WIP LD_PRELOAD library for working with the sandstorm-filesystem protocol.
The idea is that to allow programs to access a capnp filesystem simply
by accessing /sandstorm-magic
; the library will intercept calls to the
relevant libc functions and redirect filesystem operations in this path
to a server offering the filesystem protocol.
Make sure you have capnproto
installed on the system, check out the
sandstorm source code somewhere and from the root of this repo run:
git submodule init
git submodule update
export SANDSTORM_PATH=/path/to/sandstorm/repo
This will generate sandstorm-preload.so
export LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/sandstorm-preload.so`
export SANDSTORM_VFS_SERVER=<address of server>
cat /sandstorm-magic/foo # or some other command