- 1
Upload a project presentation
#15 opened by eigidi - 0
Create a simple front app to use as demonstrator
#17 opened by eigidi - 0
BUG: lors de l'entraînement, l'API ne prend pas en compte le nouveau modèle ; après un entraînement, il faut redémarrer le server pour que le nouveau modèle soit pris en compte
#8 opened by eigidi - 0
Update documentation for the lib to include emotion detection and object recognition
#11 opened by eigidi - 0
- 0
Update documentation regarding docker installation
#13 opened by eigidi - 0
Create a distinct API for object detection
#14 opened by eigidi - 0
purge intermediate data (like processed images) and restore the previous state if model training fails
#16 opened by eigidi - 0