
dYdX protocol gRPC client for Rust using Tonic

Primary LanguageRust


dydx-tonic is a Rust library to interface with full nodes on dYdX Chain using gRPC. It uses tonic to build the dYdX protos and generate the client code.


To generate the crate ensure protoc is installed. Then cargo run and the client crate will be present in /gen.

To use dydx-tonic in your Rust project, add the path to the generated crate, along with its peer dependencies tokio and tonic to your Cargo.toml file:

dydx-tonic = { path = "../dydx-tonic/gen" }
tokio = { version = "1.37.0", features = ["full"] }
tonic = "0.11.0"


Here's a simple example of how to use dydx-tonic to interact with the dYdX protocol:

use dydx_tonic::dydxprotocol;
use tonic::transport::Endpoint;

const ENDPOINT: &str = "http://dydx-dao-grpc-1.polkachu.com:23890";

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Connect to the dYdX node
    let channel = Endpoint::from_static(ENDPOINT).connect().await?;

    // Create gRPC client instances
    let mut asset_client = dydxprotocol::assets::query_client::QueryClient::new(channel.clone());
    let mut perpetual_client = dydxprotocol::perpetuals::query_client::QueryClient::new(channel);

    // Prepare the request
    let request = tonic::Request::new(dydxprotocol::perpetuals::QueryAllPerpetualsRequest {
        pagination: None,

    // Make the gRPC call to retrieve all perpetuals
    let response = perpetual_client.all_perpetuals(request).await?;

    // Print the response
    println!("Response: {:?}", response);
