
benchcloud is a tool for benchmarking cloud storage systems.


  • Xing Wang
  • Julien Beaudaux


Mac OS X

git clone
pip install ""
cd benchmarking-cloud-storage-systems
pip install -r requirements.txt


git clone
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pcapy
cd benchmarking-cloud-storage-systems
pip install -r requirements.txt

Set developer keys/secrets for cloud services

cp benchcloud/drivers/drivers.conf.sample benchcloud/drivers/drivers.conf

And edit benchcloud/drivers/drivers.conf to set your own developer keys/secrets.

Start benchmarking

# 1. You may want to sniff network traffic
# by appending "-c benchcloud/example_benchmarking_conf/traffic_capture.conf"
# to the following commands.
# 2. The ``-a'' option will ask you to authorize benchcloud to access your data in the cloud,
# which is needed for the first time you use benchcloud to access data in a cloud service.
# 3. Check the conf file before benchmarking to make sure the remote directory/file exists.

# Sample benchmark for uploading files
python -m benchcloud.benchcloud uploader -f benchcloud/example_benchmarking_conf/dropbox_random_upload_0.conf -a

# Sample benchmark for downloading files
python -m benchcloud.benchcloud downloader -f benchcloud/example_benchmarking_conf/dropbox_download_0.conf