This is the code repository for Creative Projects for Rust Programmers, published by Packt.
Build exciting projects on domains such as web apps, WebAssembly, games, and parsing
Build projects on exciting topics like game development, virtual reality, web assembly, emulators, GUI, and Linux/kernel development. By the end of the book, you will know how to choose the right framework or library for your needs.
This book covers the following exciting features:
- Access TOML, JSON, and XML files and SQLite, PostgreSQL, and Redis databases
- Develop a RESTful web service using JSON payloads
- Create a web application using HTML templates and JavaScript and a frontend web application or web game using WebAssembly
- Build desktop 2D games
- Develop an interpreter and a compiler for a programming language
- Create a machine language emulator
- Extend the Linux Kernel with loadable modules
If you feel this book is for you, get your copy today!
All of the code is organized into folders. For example, Chapter02.
The code will look like the following:
for pos in pos..5 {
print!("{}", digits[pos] as u8 as char);
Following is what you need for this book: This Rust programming book is for developers who want to get hands-on experience with implementing their knowledge of Rust programming, and are looking for expert advice on which libraries and frameworks they can adopt to develop software that typically uses the Rust language.
With the following software and hardware list you can run all code files present in the book (Chapter 1-11).
Chapter | Software required | OS required |
1-11 | Rust v1.31 | Windows and Linux Mint 19.2 |
We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used in this book. Click here to download it.
Carlo Milanesi has a computer science degree from the State University of Milan, and lives in Bergamo, Italy. He is a software engineer with decades of experience in teaching and developing software for desktop and the web on Windows or Linux, using C, C++, Smalltalk, Delphi, Visual Basic, C#, Java, JavaScript, and Rust.
He loves writing tests and documentation and has experience in the domains of banking, portfolio management, construction engineering, CAD systems for milling machines, human-machine interface systems for machine tools, and websites and web applications for enterprises and for public administration management. He has written a book on Rust entitled, Beginning Rust: From Novice to Professional.
Click here if you have any feedback or suggestions.