:speaker: Web Component wrapper to the Web Speech API, that allows you to do voice recognition and speech synthesis using Polymer
- addyosmaniGoogle
- AgtLucasPlanet Earth
- Ajeey@bluejeans
- artyomtrityakAtlassian
- bernarddelunaRio de Janeiro, Brasil
- brenopolanskiBrazil
- brunoqueiros@getndazn
- coderxincrowdhouse AG
- ctovelozBrazil
- dedevillelaDedeVillela.com
- diogomoretti@mercadolibre
- eabait@globant
- faabiosr@newstore
- faeliasoBrazil
- fdaciuk@queroserninja
- felipefialho@juntossomosmais, @frontendbr
- fernandoporazziBitvavo
- filipeoliveiraa@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT
- haggen@corenzan
- hariharan-uno
- hugofcamposcrmbonus.com
- jokeyrhyme@atlassian
- KevinTCoughlin@microsoft
- krostiGlobant
- lalitkapoorWithco
- luanmunizBrazil
- lucaperretNestlé Nespresso
- MartinKolb1987
- matagusChicago, IL
- metanoia023
- pragmaticivan@everquoteinc
- pveyesIndonesia
- sotayamashita@autifyhq
- umaarLondon
- volkanunsal@aws
- zenorocha@resend