
A frontend to modify the input/output of console and libtcod roguelikes.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Necklace of the Eye (NotEye in short) is a roguelike frontend. It can modify the output of console and libtcod roguelikes, and it also works as a library which allows to easily port old ASCII roguelikes like ADOM into 21th century. NotEye is a complicated piece of software, and it is constantly in development, and not documented very well. This README contains just the basic information; see http://roguetemple.com/z/noteye.php for many more details.

Hydra Slayer

Hydra Slayer is a Roguelike game focused on one thing: slaying Hydras. It is inspired by Greek mythology, Dungeon Crawl, MathRL seven day roguelike, and some mathematical puzzles about brave heroes slaying many headed beasts. Hydra Slayer features an original combat system, based on mathematical puzzles. Again, this README contains just the basic information; see http://roguetemple.com/z/hydra.php for more information about Hydra Slayer. You can also start the game and press '?' to get Help, or press 'T' to start the Tutorial.

Since Hydra Slayer is a flagship roguelike for NotEye, the two are distributed together.

Compilation, installation, and usage

For Windows users

If you just want to play Hydra Slayer, download the NotEye+Hydra Slayer package from the official site.

If you want to play a game which supports NotEye very well (other than Hydra Slayer), you can also download ADOM from its official site.

If you want to try NotEye's capability of running with various games (such as DoomRL or Brogue), and you are using Windows, the Bundle is what you want -- it can be also found on the official site.

If you want to compile NotEye and Hydra Slayer after downloading it (from GitHub or the official site), execute make -f Makefile.mgw in the "src" subdirectory. You can also execute the same command in the "hydra" subdirectory to compile the console only version of Hydra Slayer.

If you want to use NotEye for the game you are developing, please read the dev guide and download one of the two packages (depending on your OS and the number of working examples you want). Please remember about the licensing secion in the dev guide!

For Linux (Ubuntu)

Clone the GitHub project with:

git clone https://github.com/zenorogue/noteye noteye

Install the dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-net-dev libncurses5-dev libluajit-5.1-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev

(Note: since Oct 2016 LuaJIT is used instead of the standard Lua, for efficiency -- if you want to use the standard Lua, you need liblua5.1-0-dev and edit the Makefile)

Change the directory:

cd noteye
cd src

Create the "noteye" executable (and the "hydraslayer" script):


Install both NotEye and Hydra Slayer on your system:

make install

If you want to use NotEye for the game you are developing, please read the dev guide. Also, please remember about the licensing secion in the dev guide!


NotEye is distributed under GNU General Public License version 3 or later. It comes with absolutely no warranty; see the file COPYING for details.

See the files in the "licenses" subdirectory for the licenses of third party libraries used by NotEye.

See gfx/license.txt and sound/license.txt for information about sources and licensing of the graphical images and sounds and music, respectively.