Initialize structs with default values
- Supports almost all kind of types
- Scalar types
- Complex types
- Aliased types
- e.g.,
type Enum string
- Pointer types
- e.g.,
- e.g.,
- Scalar types
- Recursively initializes fields in a struct
- Dynamically sets default values by
interface - Preserves non-initial values from being reset with a default value
type Gender string
type Sample struct {
Name string `default:"John Smith"`
Age int `default:"27"`
Gender Gender `default:"m"`
Slice []string `default:"[]"`
SliceByJSON []int `default:"[1, 2, 3]"` // Supports JSON
Map map[string]int `default:"{}"`
MapByJSON map[string]int `default:"{\"foo\": 123}"`
MapOfStruct map[string]OtherStruct
MapOfPtrStruct map[string]*OtherStruct
MapOfStructWithTag map[string]OtherStruct `default:"{\"Key1\": {\"Foo\":123}}"`
Struct OtherStruct `default:"{}"`
StructPtr *OtherStruct `default:"{\"Foo\": 123}"`
NoTag OtherStruct // Recurses into a nested struct by default
OptOut OtherStruct `default:"-"` // Opt-out
type OtherStruct struct {
Hello string `default:"world"` // Tags in a nested struct also work
Foo int `default:"-"`
Random int `default:"-"`
// SetDefaults implements defaults.Setter interface
func (s *OtherStruct) SetDefaults() {
if defaults.CanUpdate(s.Random) { // Check if it's a zero value (recommended)
s.Random = rand.Int() // Set a dynamic value
obj := &Sample{}
if err := defaults.Set(obj); err != nil {