
:book: A Google Dictionary python script.

Primary LanguagePython

Google Dictionary python script

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Based on

$ curl --socks5\
    -H 'x-origin: chrome-extension://mgijmajocgfcbeboacabfgobmjgjcoja'\


Because of Great Firewall, we have to request Google API over a proxy.

This script use socks5 as the proxy, Install PySocks :

$ sudo pip3 install -U pysocks

and, edit script to your proxy setting:

# change your proxy's ip
ip = ''
# change your proxy's port
port = 1086


You can add this script to your PATH

Open your terminal, and execute:

$ ./google-dictionary.py love

will output like this:

love |lʌv|

   a strong feeling of affection.
     • babies fill parents with intense feelings of love
     • their <b>love for</b> their country
   a great interest and pleasure in something.
     • his <b>love for</b> football
     • we share a <b>love of</b> music
   a person or thing that one loves.
     • she was <b>the love of his life</b>
     • their two great loves are tobacco and whisky
   (in tennis, squash, and some other sports) a score of zero; nil.
     • love fifteen
   feel deep affection or sexual love for (someone).
     • do you love me?

the response of Google API of this query is in google-dictionary-love.json, you can get more information from it.

Thanks for your interest :)