
An experimental stats system for Unity.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A stats system for Unity.


This was built on a whim and merely to test an idea.
Especially the editor may still have some issues. But the system itself should be fairly robust.

Intended Usage

Step 1: The Stat

Stats are ScriptableObjects that identify a type of stat and tell it, what type it is.
They can also contain custom logic to "globally" handle how changing their stat's value works.

The most simple implementation looks like this:

using UnityEngine;
using Zenvin.Stats;

public class IntStat : Stat<int> { }

This is only needed because Unity cannot create or serialize instances of (constructed) generic types directly.
So IntStat is required as a proxy, of sorts.

Step 2: The StatInstance

StatInstances represent - as the name suggests - instances of Stats.
Their job is to hold the value of a given Stat for the object that they are placed on. A StatInstance implementation for the Stat declared above, could look something like this:

using Zenvin.Stats;

public class InstStatInstance : StatInstance<int> { }

As before, the class essentially is a proxy for Unity's serialization. Note that StatInstances should be managed by a StateContainer component and not attached manually for the system to work properly.

Step 3: The StatContainer

StatContainers are components that manage StatInstances for the GameObject they are attached to.
To use the system, simply attach a StatContainer to an object, drag a Stat SO onto it, and you are good to go.
Note that if there are multiple StatInstance implementations matching the generic type of the given Stat, you will be prompted with a list of possible StatInstance types.

Further notes

  • As mentioned above, the editor was not optimized fully. Always make sure to remove all instances of a StatInstance implementation, before deleting the class from your project.
  • For more advanced implementations, see the built-in ones here.