
Exif manipulation with pure python script.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


To simplify exif manipulations with python. Writing, reading, and more... Pyxif isn't a wrapper. To everywhere with Python(function'thumbnail' depends on PIL or Pillow).


dump - converts dict to exif bytes
insert - inserts exif bytes to JPEG
load - get exif as dict from file
remove - removes exif from JPEG
thumbnail - resizes proportionally without loosing exif(depend on PIL or Pillow)
transplant - transplants exif to another JPEG

How to Use

# dump and insert
zeroth_ifd = {pyxif.ImageGroup.Make: "Canon",
              pyxif.ImageGroup.XResolution: (96, 1),
              pyxif.ImageGroup.YResolution: (96, 1),
              pyxif.ImageGroup.Software: "paint.net 4.0.3",
exif_bytes = pyxif.dump(zeroth_ifd)
pyxif.insert(exif_bytes, "in.jpg")
# or
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open("in.jpg")
im.thumbnail((100, 100), Image.ANTIALIAS)
im.save(output_file, exif=exif_bytes)

# load
zeroth_dict, exif_dict, gps_dict = pyxif.load("in.jpg")

# remove

# thumbnail
pyxif.thumbnail("in.jpg", "out.jpg", (80, 80))

# transplant
pyxif.transplant("exif_src.jpg", "image.jpg")

on GoogleAppEngine

jpg_data = self.request.get("jpeg")
output = io.BytesIO()

# insert
pyxif.insert(exif_bytes, jpg_data, output)

# load
zeroth_dict, exif_dict, gps_dict = pyxif.load(jpg_data)

# remove
pyxif.remove(jpg_data, output)

# thumbnail
pyxif.thumbnail(jpg_data, output, (80, 80))

# transplant
pyxif.transplant(jpg_data1, jpg_data2, output)

Depends on

Function "thumbnail" depends on PIL, or Pillow(Tested on Pillow 2.5.3). Others don't depend on any 3rd module.


Checked on Python 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4.


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.