The purpose of this project is to have a client that can download metadata about user tagged videos. It will consist of a server and a client.
There will be a mechanism to sync tags and actress based on file hash and video title.
- Tagging
- Tag normalization
- Tag autocompletetion
- Add actress to video
- Actress autocompletion
- Select directories to import into library
- Filtering by tag or actress
- Thumbnail generation
- Sync local database of tags to server
- Sync tags from server to local database
- Sync covers of videos in your library
- Actress videography and info
- Duplicate detection
- Recommendations
- OpenCV face detection
- [Qt5] (
- [sqlite] (
- [FFMPEG] (
- qmake
- make
To import videos into the database
- menu > general > options > select a folder under "Images Folder" (this folder is where thumbnails are stored)
- menu > general > options > add top level directory to videos
- menu > database > import videos
The import will not copy or move any files, it will just insert file name, file path, and file hash into the database.
- click a video in the file listing
- select a tag under the tag combobox / type a new tag into the tag combobox
- the new tag will appear under the tag list
- double click a tag in the tag list to remove a tag from a video
- click a video in the file listing
- select an actress under the Actress combobox / type a new actress into the actress combobox
- the new actress will appear in the actress list
- double click an actress in the actress list to remove an actress from a video