
This is a Python store catalog application where only logged in users can create products and added them to categories.

Primary LanguagePython

Catalog Project

This is a Python store catalog application where only logged in users can create products and added them to categories. Login authentication is provided by a Google sign-in button. Visitors to the application can view the catalog but cannot make any changes.

Run the virtual machine

Using the terminal, change directory to catalog (cd catalog), then type vagrant up to launch your virtual machine.

Once it is up and running, type vagrant ssh. This will log your terminal into the virtual machine, and you'll get a Linux shell prompt. When you want to log out, type exit at the shell prompt. To turn the virtual machine off (without deleting anything), type vagrant halt. If you do this, you'll need to run vagrant up again before you can log into it.

Now that you have Vagrant up and running type vagrant ssh to log into your VM. change to the /vagrant directory by typing cd /vagrant. This will take you to the shared folder between your virtual machine and host machine.

Create the PostgreSQL database

This project requires a Postgresql database. Create a database in vagrant by entering the command to run PostgreSQL...


Then create a database called 'mystore':


Quit the Postgresql with command '\q'

Running the Catalog Project App

In vagrant, navigate to the catalog folder: /vagrant/catalog

Type python database_setup.py to initialize the database.

Type python database_populate.py to populate the database with categories and products.

Type python application.py to run the Flask web server. In your browser visit http://localhost:8000 to view the catalog project app. You should be able to view, add, edit, and delete products and categories.


The main catalog page displays the latest items that were added to the database. There is also a link in the left menu display ALL items in their respective categories.

Categories have a name and SKU code. This code is prepended to the SKUs of all products added under this cateogry. For example, the category 'Shirt' has SKU code 'SH' so a new shirt with get the SKU number of SH-1.

Products have a name, SKU, price, status (active/inactive), category, description, and photo. If no photo is uploaded, a placeholder image is used.

On category pages, active products are displayed at the top of the page and inactive products are displayed below. See category 'Hats'.

JSON Endpoints

The following JSON endpoints are available:


  • Build product form to allow for multiple photo uploads