Hi there zeon256 here.

  • 🔭 I’m currently a year 4 computer science student studying at NTU Singapore
  • 🏫 I'm am doing my professional internship @GovTechSG as a Software Engineer
  • 💼 I've worked at Home Team Science & Technology Agency (HTX) and GovTech
  • 📫 How to reach me: me@inve.rs
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I like the rust 🦀 programming language
  • Currently the maintainer of lta-rs, justbus-rs and pulau-rs
  • Prefered editor: Helix + Zellij or VSCode + Dance
  • Main OS: Arch Linux + MacOS (school/work)
  • Other programming languages: C++, TypeScript, Javascript, Java, Kotlin, C#, C, Python, Go