
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Environment Installation

Environment: Python 2.7

Dependencies: python : numpy pandas matplotlib json argparse bioread dcm2bids cmd : dcm2niix edf2asc

Using the command line

  1. conda create --name [name] --file [/Path/to/requirements.txt]

    • where 'name' is the name you would like to give your environment
    • where '/Path/to/requirements.txt' is the path to requirements.txt, downloaded from github
  2. conda activate [name]

    • where 'name' is the name you gave your environment in step 1

    • if command line throws an error during this step, try instead using source activate [name]

  3. pip install bioread dcm2bids argparse

  4. conda install -c conda-forge dcm2niix


  1. Move the file edf2asc (provided via email) to the following directory: [/Path/to/Anaconda/Folder]/envs/[name]/bin
    • where 'Path/to/Anaconda/Folder is the path to the anaconda source folder
    • where 'name' is the name you gave your environment in step 1
  2. Download DTIPrep from the following link: www.nitrc.org/projects/dtiprep. Select the version appropriate for the system.
  3. Move contents of downloaded DTIPrep files (unzipped) to the following directory: [/Path/to/Anaconda/Folder]/envs/[name]/bin
    • where 'Path/to/Anaconda/Folder' is the path to the anaconda source folder
    • where 'name' is the name you gave your environment in step 1

Script Instructions

  1. COINS-images2bids/COINS_BIDS_setup.py : pulls relevant information from COINS runsheet and prepares for dcm2bids
  • arguments
    • --runsheet /Path/to/COINS/runsheet
    • --keysheet /Path/to/COINS/keysheet (COINS-images2bids/COINS_run_sheet_key.csv)
    • --temp_json /Path/to/config.json (COINS-images2bids/config.json)
    • --source_dir /Path/to/subject/source/directory
    • --subject_list /Path/to/list/of/subjects
  • needed for input:
    • COINS runsheet
    • keysheet (downloaded from github)
    • model json file (downloaded from github)
    • a folder containing diicom data
    • a .txt file containing a list of subjects formatted 'sub-[subid]', one line per subject
  • output:
    • source_dir/selected_scans.txt - contains file names of good scan runs for each subject, based on COINS sheet
    • source_dir/selected_physio.txt - contains file names of good physio data for each subject, based on COINS sheet
    • source_dir/selected_track.txt - contains file names of good tracking data for each subject, based on COINS sheet
    • source_dir/[subID]/[subID].json - contains file names of good scan runs for the subject, based on COINS sheet
    • source_dir/error_log.txt - a text file listing any subjects from the COINS sheet that did not compile correctly
  1. COINS-images2bids/batch_dcm2bids.py : converts scan diicoms to nifti, outputs in BIDS format
  • arguments
    • --source_dir /Path/to/subject/source/directory
    • --bids_dir /Path/to/bids/folder
    • --COINS_BIDS /Path/to/selected_scans.csv (step 1 output)
    • --subject_list /Path/to/list/of/subjects
  • needed for input
    • selected_scans.csv (step one output)
    • a folder containing diicom data
    • a destination folder for the sorted bids data (if you give a path in --destination that does not already exist, it will be created)
    • a .txt file containing a list of subjects formatted 'sub-[subid]', one line per subject
  • output
    • destination - contains scan data organized in bids format (note: at this stage, participants with multiple sessions, e.g. sub-80084 and sub-80084b, are treated as separate subjects. They will be combined in a later step.)
    • source/error_log.txt - a text file listing any subjects from the COINS sheet that did not compile correctly
      • most common is 'subject not in source folder' - just indicates that your sub_dir did not contain diicom data for a particular subject, does not indicate malfunctioning code, does not cause a problem with the output produced from other subjects
      • this information is appended to the error log from step 1 - if a participant threw an error in step 1, they will appear a second time in this step
  1. eprime-codes/batch_ce.py : generates csv files from eprime output
  • arguments
    • --source_dir /Path/to/source/directory
    • --subject_list /Path/to/list/of/subjects
  • needed for input
    • a folder containing all subjects' dicom data
    • a .txt file containing a list of subjects formatted 'sub-[subid]', one line per subject
  • output
    • /source_dir/[subid]/eprime_csvfiles/ - folder containing csv versions of the eprime data
  1. eprime-codes/csv2tsv.py : converts csvs from step 7 to tsvs, puts in BIDS format
  • arguments
    • --bids_dir /Path/to/bids/directory
    • --source_dir /Path/to/subject/source/folder
    • --subject_list /Path/to/list/of/subjects
  • needed for input
    • a folder containing all subjects' dicom data
    • a folder containing bids organized data
    • a .txt file containing a list of subjects formatted 'sub-[subid]', one line per subject
  • output
    • /bids_dir/[subid]/func/ - tsv version of eprime data
  1. eprime-codes/feat_excel.py : generates feat onset vectors
  • arguments
    • --bids_dir /Path/to/bids/directory
    • --souce_dir /Path/to/subject/source/directory
    • --subject_list /Path/to/list/of/subjects
  • needed for input
    • a folder containing bids organized data
    • a folder containing all subjects' dicom data
    • a .txt file containing a list of subjects formatted 'sub-[subid]', one line per subject
  • output
    • /bids_dir/subj_acc.txt - file containing subject accuracy information
    • /bids_dir/[subid]/feat/ - folder containing task event vectors based on eprime csv files (all stimuli; faces only; shapes only; accurate faces; inaccurate faces; accurate shapes; inaccurate shapes)
  1. COINS2physio/COINS_physio.py : generates jsons for physio processing
  • arguments
    • --runsheet /Path/to/selectedphysio.csv (step 1 output)
    • --source_dir /Path/to/source/directory
    • --temp_json /Path/to/physio-template.json (COINS2physio/physio-template.json)
    • --subject _list /Path/to/list/of/subjects
  • needed for input
    • selectedphysio.csv - produced in step 1
    • folder containing diicom data
    • COINS2physio/physio-template.json - downloaded from github
    • a .txt file containing a list of subjects formatted 'sub-[subid]', one line per subject
  • output
    • input_dir/physio-templates - a folder containing a json that details the file names for the good physio runs for each participant
    • COINS2physio/errorlog.txt - a list of subjects whose physio data did not compile/QC correctly.
      • This is distinct from the error_log.txt in steps 1 and 2. Information does not append to the original error log, and this error log is located in the code source folder.
  1. proc-biopac-COINS/proc_biopac_coins.py : process and QC physio data
  • arguments
    • --source_dir /Path/to/source/directory
    • --subject_list /Path/to/list/of/subjects/to/process
    • --template_directory /Path/to/template/directory (step 3 output)
    • --bids_dir /Path/to/BIDS/directory
  • needed for input
    • folder with diicom data (esp. 01+physio)
    • a list of subjects to process (.txt file, formatted 'sub-80084', one subject per line)
    • folder with physio jsons for each subject (output from step 3)
    • a destination folder for bids output (should be the same as given in step 2)
  • output
    • project_directory/[sub_ID]/QC/physio - a directory for each subject containing physio QC information and images
    • bids_dir/[sub_ID]/func/[].tsv - a .tsv file with the time course of the physio data, in bids format
    • project_directory/physio_values.csv - a list of relevant physio values extracted from the data (including heart rate, respiration rate, etc)
  1. COINS2tracking/COINS_tracking.py : generates jsons for tracking data
  • arguments
    • --runsheet /Path/to/selected_track.csv (step 1 output)
    • --source_dir /Path/to/source/directory
    • --temp_json /Path/to/tracking-template.json (COINS2tracking/tracking-template.json)
    • --subject_list /Path/to/list/of/subjects
  • needed for input
    • selected_track.csv (output from step 1)
    • folder with diicom data
    • COINS2tracking/tracking-template.json - downloaded from github
    • a .txt file containing a list of subjects formatted 'sub-[subid]', one line per subject
  • output
    • input_dir/tracking-templates - folder with json containing file names for good eye tracking runs for each subject
    • COINS2tracking/error_log.txt - list of subjects whose eye tracking data fails to compile
  1. proc-tracking-COINS/proc-tracking-COINS.py : processes and QCs eye tracking
  • arguments
    • --source_dir /Path/to/source/directory
    • --subject_list /Path/to/list/of/subjects/to/run
    • --template_directory /Path/to/template/directory (step 5 output)
    • --bids_dir /Path/to/BIDS/directory
  • needed for input
    • folder with diicom data
    • list of subjects to process (.txt file, formatted 'sub-80084', one subject per line)
    • folder with jsons containing file names for good eye tracking runs (step 8 output)
    • bids formatted destination folder (should be same as given in step 4 and step 2)
    • eprime tsvs in each subjects bids directory (run steps 3, 4, and 5)
  • output
    • project_directory/[subid]/QC/eyetracking - folder containing QC info and images for eye tracking data
    • bids_dir/[subid]/func/[].tsv - .tsv file with time series for eye tracking data
  1. proc-DWI-COINS/proc-DWI-COINS.py : processes and QCs DTI scans
  • arguments
    • --source_dir /Path/to/source/directory
    • --subject_list /Path/to/list/of/subjects/to/run
    • --protocol_template /Path/to/DTI-template.xml (proc-DWI-COINS/DTI-template.xml)
    • --COINS_BIDS /Path/to/selected_scans.csv (step 1 output)
    • --bids_dir /Path/to/BIDS/directory
  • needed for input
    • folder with dicom data
    • list of subjects to process (.txt file, formatted 'sub-80084', one subject per line)
    • protocol template for DTIPrep - downloaded from github
    • selected_scans.csv (step 1 output)
    • a nifti version of the dti data in each subject's bids folder
    • bids formatted destination folder (should be same as given in steps 2, 4, and 9)
  1. final-bids/finalize_bids.py : combines runs from same subject into single file --bids_dir /Path/to/bids/directory