
Practice and review code with an emphasis on design decisions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



pipeline status

A service for reviewing design decisions made in code.

The inspiration for this service is: I've found it useful over the years to redo simple applications I've written in the past. Relooking over past code and what I just wrote gave me an idea of my progress through evaluating what I now consider important compared to what I used to consider important. I wished there was a better way to remember why I wrote what I did instead of relying on a README.md.

Target use cases

Target Group Primary Use Case
New developers Practice creating real-world applications over solving algorithms
Growing developers Review your progress through the years by practicing re-writing basic applications
Technical interviewers Review design decisions made in code written by candidates



Configuring the backend (AKA api)

The backend variables should be present on the service's host system at runtime. If running in a Docker container, remember to add these as environment variables.

Key Default Description
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID "" Github application Client ID
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET "" Github application Client Secret
GITHUB_REDIRECT_URI "" Github application Redirect URI that you specified when creating the Github application
LOGIN_URL "" Frontend URL
SERVER_ADDR "" Interface address which the server should bind to
SERVER_PORT 30000 Port which the server should listen on

Configuring the frontend (AKA ui)

The frontend variables are injected at build-time and should be defined in the delivery pipeline.

Key Default Description
REACT_APP_API_URL_BASE "http://localhost:30000" Base URL to the API server


Required stuff for provisioning infrastructure



Configuring the infrastructure

Navigate to the Terraform module for this project at ./deploy/do. All commands assume running make in that directory and not the project root.

  1. Setup an SSH key-pair using make .keys
  2. Setup the backend configuration using make .backend-config
  3. Setup your Digital Ocean token using make .envrc and filling up your Digital Ocean API token in the generated .envrc before running direnv allow . to enable usage of the .envrc. You can find your API token from https://cloud.digitalocean.com/account/api/tokens.
  4. Run make init to initialise the Terraform backend
  5. Run make plan to show changes to the infrastructure
  6. Run make apply to apply the changes for the first time
  7. Run make down for subsequent runs to bring down the API server only
  8. Run make up for subsequent runs to bring up the API server only
  9. Run make destroy to destroy all infrastructure


  • To debug the userdata setting up, run make ssh_api and once inside the server, run sudo tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
  • If renewing droplet, remember to mount the volume using:
    • mkdir -p /mnt/codeprac_mysql
    • mount -o discard,defaults,noatime /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0DO_Volume_codeprac-mysql /mnt/codeprac_mysql
    • echo '/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0DO_Volume_codeprac-mysql /mnt/codeprac_mysql ext4 defaults,nofail,discard 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
  • If we hit the rate-limit for certbot, we might get an error, to fix this:
    • SSH into the server and scp the certificates over
    • Add ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/apiv1.codepr.ac/fullchain.pem; # managed by Certbot to the apiv1.codepr.ac server block
    • Add ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/apiv1.codepr.ac/privkey.pem; # managed by Certbot to the apiv1.codepr.ac server block
    • Add ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.codepr.ac/fullchain.pem; # managed by Certbot to the www.codepr.ac server block
    • Add ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.codepr.ac/privkey.pem; # managed by Certbot to the www.codepr.ac server block
    • Run nginx -t to check the configuration
    • Run nginx -s reload to reload the configuration

Deploying application on the infrastructure

The supplied user data sets up the server but does not deploy anything. After deployment of the infrastructure, do the following from the ./deploy/do directory:

  1. Run make ssh_api to gain a shell into the API server
  2. Navigate to ~/src, run ./scripts/init-production.sh, and fill up the variables
  3. From ~/src, run docker-compose up -d to start the application
  4. Copy the script at ./scripts/update-service.sh to /opt/scripts/update-service.sh and set the executable flag on it
  5. Run sudo crontab -e (note: use sudo) and add a new line */5 * * * * /opt/scripts/update-service.sh, this enables auto-updating of the production services
  6. Copy the script at ./scripts/update-repo.sh to ~/update-repo.sh and set the executable flag on it
  7. Run crontab -e (note: no sudo) and add a new line */5 * * * * cd /home/codeprac/src && /home/codeprac/update-repo.sh, this enables auto-updating of the production repository


  • To update production instructions, run make update_repo
  • To update production, run sudo make update_production
  • To deploy production, run sudo make deploy_production


Required stuff for developing locally



Setting up locally

The following section assumes commands being run from the project root.

  1. Clone this repository locally
  2. Install Node.js dependencies using npm ci (or make ui_deps)
  3. Install Golang dependencies using go mod vendor (or make api_deps)
  4. Start the MySQL database by running docker-compose -f ./deploy/db/docker-compose.yml up -d (or make start_db). You should be able to access it using mysql -uuser -ppassword -h127.0.0.1 -P33060 database.
  5. Start the API server by running go run ./cmd/codeprac start (or make start_api). You should be able to access it at http://localhost:30000.
    • To test the behaviour with a production build, use make start_api_production
  6. Start the web application by running npm start (or make start_ui). You should be able to access it at http://localhost:3000.
    • To test the behaviour with a production build, use make start_ui_production (this uses the npm package serve, final production uses a Nginx server)

Configuring the local application

  1. Run make .envrc and fill up the variables as required in the generated .envrc file at the project root and run direnv allow .. These variables will be consumed by the API server when running locally

Building the applications

  1. Run make api_production or make api_static_production to build the application into a binary at ./bin/codeprac_${GOOS}_${GOARCH}. Requires go to be available in your $PATH.
  2. Run make ui to build the web service into a built copy at ./build/ Requires node to be available in your $PATH.


  • For make ui to work properly, ensure that the required REACT_APP_* variables are defined at npm run build-time

Packaging the applications

Docker is used to package the production bundle.

  1. Run make api_image to create the Docker image for the API server
  2. Run make ui_image to create the Docker image for the web application


  • Multistage builds are opted for to avoid including files not intended for production, resulting builds from multistage builds also tend to be leaner

Required Stuff


Gitlab account

The code in this repository is configured to be deployed using Gitlab Pages via Gitlab CI/CD. Sign up for an account at https://gitlab.com.

Digital Ocean account

Infrastructure provisioning scripts use Digital Ocean as a provider. To get started, sign up for an account at https://m.do.co/c/c3b62cf39c7c (that's my referral code so that this project may be slightly easier on my pockets, if you would rather not (cues sad face), you can also sign up from https://digitalocean.com).



The direnv tool is used in conjunction with Terraform so that API tokens can avoid being checked-in to the repository. To install direnv, run:

# on ubuntu
apt install direnv;

# on macos
brew install direnv;

# on windows
echo "it's complicated";

See direnv/direnv#343 (comment) for Windows installation instructions

Add the hook script as described at https://github.com/direnv/direnv/blob/master/docs/hook.md.

Verify that direnv is available in your $PATH by running which direnv and direnv version.


Docker is used to containerise and package the application. To install it, follow the instructions on the following pages:

Verify that docker and docker-compose are available in your $PATH by running which docker, which docker-compose, docker version, and docker-compose version.


Go is used for the backend server. To install it, run:

# on ubuntu (ref: https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Ubuntu)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports;
sudo apt-get install golang-go;

# on macos (ref: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/go)
brew install go;

# on windows (ref: https://chocolatey.org/packages/golang)
choco install golang;

Verify the go command is available in your $PATH by running which go and go version.


Node.js is used for frontend work. The official way to install it can be found at https://nodejs.org/en/download/.

The recommended way however is to install NVM which allows you to switch Node versions easily. See the instructions at https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/blob/master/README.md#installing-and-updating.

Verify both node and npm commands are available in your $PATH by running which node, which npm, node -v, and npm -v.


Terraform is used to bring up required infrastructure. To install Terraform,

# on ubuntu
xdg-open 'https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html';

# on macos
brew install terraform;

# on windows
choco install terraform;

Or download it from https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html.

Full instructions can be found at https://learn.hashicorp.com/terraform/getting-started/install.html.

Verify the terraform command is available in your $PATH by running which terraform and terraform version.

