
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This repository exports a package devops that simplifies writing of Go applications as internal tooling "glue".

Why you might want to use this

  1. You spend your time writing shell scripts and are sick of having untestable code (without significant effort)
  2. You are in a DevOps team moving towards a product way of doing things and have picked up Go an want to rewrite your shell scripts using Go

Design principles

  1. All New[.]* functions will return an interface as far as possible, while this could hide data, it also prevents state related errors from modifications after initialisation. This is in turn supported by validation checks that run during the initialisation process
  2. All New[.]* functions will perform a sanity check on provided options and return an error if checks are not successful. While this could be annoying, this encourages lazy-instantiation so that assigned properties do not become stale
  3. Rather than just providing methods to run a function, which would easily solve problems addressed above, we require a constructor for most objects via a method named New[.]* to allow for passing the instance to another controller, which means with this separation you can also separate your data access/creation and controller code by passing an instance to a controller for processing

Usage and Examples

All examples assume the importing of this package using:

// ...
import "gitlab.com/zephinzer/go-devops"
// ...


Running a command

A working example is available at ./cmd/command

The following runs ls -al:

func main() {
  ls, _ := devops.NewCommand(devops.NewCommandOpts{
    Command: "ls",
    Arguments: []string{"-a", "-l"},

The following runs go mod vendor and pulls in dependencies for a Go project:

func main() {
  installGoDeps, _ := devops.NewCommand(devops.NewCommandOpts{
    Command: "go",
    Arguments: []string{"mod", "vendor"},

The following runs npm install and pulls in dependencies for a Node project:

func main() {
  installNodeDeps, _ := devops.NewCommand(devops.NewCommandOpts{
    Command: "npm",
    Arguments: "install",

Input data

Download files

A working example is available at ./cmd/download

The .DownloadFile method downloads the source code from Google into a specified DestinationPath:

func main() {
	targetURL, err := url.Parse("https://google.com")
  if err != nil {
	if err = devops.DownloadFile(DownloadFileOpts{
		DestinationPath: "./google.com.src.txt",
		URL:             targetURL,
	}); err != nil {

Get data from a HTTP endpoint

A working example is available at ./cmd/curl

The .SendHTTPRequest method can be used in place of cURL to make a HTTP request:

func main() {
	targetURL, err := url.Parse("https://httpbin.org/uuid")
	if err != nil {
	response, err := devops.SendHTTPRequest(devops.SendHTTPRequestOpts{
		URL: targetURL,
	responseBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("uuid: %s", string(responseBody))

.SendHTTPRequest supports all common curl flags via the SendHTTPRequestOpts object.

Load configuration

A working example is available at ./cmd/configuration

The .LoadConfiguration method allows you to load from environment variables using your own struct definition:

type configuration struct {
  // CustomEnvString will be read using os.Getenv("USE_THIS_INSTEAD")
  CustomEnvString     string `env:"USE_THIS_INSTEAD"`
  // RequiredStringSlice will be read using os.Getenv("REQUIRED_STRING_SLICE")
	RequiredStringSlice []string  `default:"a,b,c" delimiter:","`
	RequiredString      string    `default:"hello world"`
	RequiredInt         int       `default:"1"`
	RequiredBool        bool      `default:"true"`
	OptionalString      *string   `default:"hola mundo"`
	OptionalStringSlice *[]string `default:"d,e,f" delimiter:","`
	OptionalInt         *int      `default:"2"`
  OptionalBool        *bool     `default:"true"`

func main() {
	c := configuration{}
	if err := devops.LoadConfiguration(&c); err != nil {
    // use it like an error

    // consolidated errors
    errs := err.(devops.LoadConfigurationErrors)
    log.Printf("error code   : %v", errs.GetCode())
    log.Printf("error message: %s", errs.GetMessage())

    // individual errors
    log.Println("errors follow")
    for _, errInstance := range err.(devops.LoadConfigurationErrors) {
      log.Printf("code   : %v", errInstance.Code)
      log.Printf("message: %s", errInstance.Message)


Notes on loading configuration

  1. Property names are automagically converted to UPPER_SNAKE_CASE and these are used to load values from the environment using os.Getenv
  2. To define a custom environment key for the property, use the env:"READ_FROM_THIS_INSTEAD" struct tag
  3. To define a default value for the property, use the default:"default value" struct tag
  4. To indiciate a configuration property is REQUIRED, specify the type as a value type. If the environment does not contain the environment key, an error is returned
  5. To indiciate a configuration property is OPTIONAL, specify the type as a *pointer type. If the environment does not contain the environment key, the value is set to nil
  6. When defining a slice of strings, use the delimiter:"," struct tag to define the character sequence used to indicate boundaries between sequential strings
  7. The returned error can be type-asserted into a LoadConfigurationErrors structure which provides both a GetCode() and a GetMessage() method you can use for assessing errors, you could range through it to get individual errors or just call .Error() to get a collated error message

Input validation

Validating applications

The .ValidateApplications function can be used to validate that paths provided are executable or in the system's $PATH variable.

A full example follows:

func main() {
	err := devops.ValidateApplications(ValidateApplicationsOpts{
		Paths: []string{"thisappdoesnotexist"},
  if err != nil {
    if _, ok := err.(devops.ValidateApplicationsErrors); ok {
      panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to find applications: ['%s']", strings.Join(err.Errors, "', '")))

Validating connections

The .ValidateConnection function can be used to validate that a provided hostname and port is reachable and listening for requests.

A full example follows:

func main() {
  err := devops.ValidateConnection(ValidateConnectionOpts{
    Hostname: "google.com",
    Port: 80,
  if err != nil {

Validating the environment

The .ValidateEnvironment can be used to validate that certain keys of interest are defined in the enviornment and returns an error if it doesn't.

A full example follows:

func main() {
	err := ValidateEnvironment(ValidateEnvironmentOpts{
		Keys: EnvironmentKeys{
			{Name: "STRING", Type: TypeString},
			{Name: "INT", Type: TypeInt},
			{Name: "UINT", Type: TypeUint},
			{Name: "FLOAT", Type: TypeFloat},
			{Name: "BOOL", Type: TypeBool},
			{Name: "ANY", Type: TypeAny},
  if err != nil {

If the Type property is not set, it defaults to TypeAny

For custom parsing of error, you can do a type assertion on the error interface to ValidateEnvironmentErrors and retrieve the error keys/types using the .Errors property:

func main() {
  err := devops.ValidateEnvironment(ValidateEnvironmentOpts{
    Keys: EnvironmentKeys{
			{Name: "STRING", Type: TypeString},
			{Name: "INT", Type: TypeInt},
			{Name: "UINT", Type: TypeUint},
			{Name: "FLOAT", Type: TypeFloat},
			{Name: "BOOL", Type: TypeBool},
			{Name: "ANY", Type: TypeAny},
  if err != nil {
    errs, _ := err.(devops.ValidateEnvironmentErrors)
    for _, errInstance := range errs.Errors {
        "key[%s] errored (expected type: %s, observed value: %s)",

Validating project type

The .IsProjectType method allows you to test if a provided directory contains a project of the specified type.

A full example follows which tests for a Go project:

func main() {
  yes, err := devops.IsProjectType("./path/to/dir", devops.TypeGo)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("directory contains a go project: %v", yes)

Implementation notes for project type validation

  • Determination of project type is by detecting the presence of signature files commonly present in projects of that type


Generating an SSH keypair

To generate an SSH keypair, you can use the .NewSSHKeypair function.

func main() {
  keypair, err := NewSSHKeypair(NewSSHKeypairOpts{
    Bytes: 4096,
  if err != nil {
  // this prints the keys, you can write it to a file instead
  fmt.Printf("private key: %s\n", string(keypair.Private))
  fmt.Printf("public key : %s\n", string(keypair.Public))

Retrieving the SSH key fingerprint

func main() {
  keyPath := "./tests/sshkeys/id_rsa_1024.pub"
  fingerprint, err := devops.GetSshKeyFingerprint(devops.GetSshKeyFingerprintOpts{
    IsPublicKey: true,
    Path:        keyPath,

  fmt.Printf("md5 hash   : %s\n", fingerprint.GetMD5())
  // above outputs 'aa:bb:cc:dd ...'

  fmt.Printf("sha256 hash: %s\n", fingerprint.GetSHA256())
  // above outputs 'sha256 hash: SHA256:AbCdEf ...'

To run this on a private key, set the IsPublicKey to false (or leave it unset) and set IsPrivateKey property to true.

To specify a password, set the Passphrase property of the GetSshKeyFingerprintOpts instance.

User interactions

Confirmation dialog

To trigger a confirmation dialog in the terminal with the user, use the .Confirm method.

A working example is available at ./cmd/confirm

func main() {
  yes, err := devops.Confirm(devops.ConfirmOpts{
    Question:   "exact match",
    MatchExact: "yes",
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("failed to get user input: %s", err)
  log.Printf("user confirmed: %v\n", yes)


Version Changes
v0.2.6 Refined issue with NewCommand that prevented it from dumping the derived path when exec.LookPath failed
v0.2.5 Fixed issue with NewCommand that prevented it from dumping the derived path when exec.LookPath failed
v0.2.4 Added .IsProjectType
v0.2.3 Added .SendHTTPRequest, improved inline documentation
v0.2.2 Added .NewSSHKeypair
v0.2.1 Fixed issues coming from gosec
v0.2.0 Updated error return of .LoadConfiguration to return LoadConfigurationErrors instead so that all errors can be made known at once
v0.1.0 Removed .LoadEnvironment and added .LoadConfiguration which is a better and cleaner way of doing things
v0.0.13 Formatting fixes
v0.0.12 Added .LoadEnvironment
v0.0.11 Renamed module for being able to import it via its Gitlab URL
v0.0.10 Added .ValidateConnection
v0.0.9 Added .ValidateApplications
v0.0.8 Added .DownloadFile
v0.0.7 Added custom error parsing for .ValidateEnvironment
v0.0.6 Added .ValidateEnvironment
v0.0.5 Added .Confirm
v0.0.4 Added inline code comments for documentation
v0.0.3 Added .GetSshKeyFingerprint. Also started changelog


Code is licensed under the MIT license. See full license here.