
Case conversion library for Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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A string case converter for use in Golang applications.



import "github.com/zephinzer/go-strcase"



Use this if you want your string to lookLikeThisFormat

fmt.Printf("camel case: %s", strcase.ToCamel("hello world"))
// output: helloWorld

Useful for: C-like sematics, JSON, YAML


Use this if you want your string to LookLikeThis

fmt.Printf("capital case: %s", strcase.ToCamel("hello world"))
// output: HelloWorld

Aliases: ToCapitalCamel, ToPascal

Useful for: C-like sematics


Use this if you want your string to looklikethis

fmt.Printf("flat case: %s", strcase.ToFlat("helloGreatBigWorld"))
// output: hellogreatbigworld

Aliases: ToLazy

Useful for: Java/Gopackage names


Use this if you want your string to look-like-this

fmt.Printf("lower kebab case: %s", strcase.ToCamel("hello world"))
// output: hello-world

Aliases: ToCaterpillar, ToCSS, ToDash, ToHyphen, ToLazy, ToLisp

Useful for: JSON, YAML


Use this if you want your string to look_like_this

fmt.Printf("lower snake case: %s", strcase.ToCamel("hello world"))
// output: hello_world

Useful for: Python, Perl, Shell, JSON, YAML


Use this if you want your string to LOOK-LIKE-THIS

fmt.Printf("upper kebab case: %s", strcase.ToCamel("hello world"))
// output: HELLO-WORLD

Aliases: ToMacro

Useful for: ?


Use this if you want your string to LOOK_LIKE_THIS

fmt.Printf("upper snake case: %s", strcase.ToCamel("hello world"))
// output: HELLO_WORLD

Useful for: Shell, JSON, YAML

Constraints/design decisions

Character delimiters

  • Only dashes, underscores, spaces are considered as character delimtiers (eg. a-pizza, a_pizza, and a pizza are seens as a and pizza)
  • Character delimitations take precedence over the other delimiters (eg. i want 1 Pizza is [i, want, 1, Pizza], but iWant1Pizza is [i, want1, pizza])

Casing delimiters

  • An upper-cased character is considered a delimiter only when the character after that is a lower-cased character (eg. APizza is seen as A and Pizza, but sendAPIRequest is seen as [send, api, request])

Number delimiters

  • The end of any series of numbers is considered a delimiter. This decision was made since variable names usually cannot begin with a number (eg. 1pizza is [1, pizza], but pizza1 is [pizza1])

Additional trivia

  • After writing the above, the world pizza doesn't hold any more meaning in my mind. Send help.

Code design (how it works)


This package was created mainly for usage within a tool that needs to handle cross-runtime naming conventions such as between SHELL_VARIABLES and javascriptVars or python_vars


This package works by first tokenizing the input string into separate words first before applying any transformations. This looks like:

HelloWorld => [hello, world]
helloWorld => [hello, world]
10PizzasPlease => [10, pizzas, please]
1-for-1 => [1, for, 1]
1for1 => [1, for1]


After the above tokenization, the transformations are added:

[hello, world] =(ToCamel)=> helloWorld
[10, pizzas, please] =(ToCamel)=> 10PizzasPlease
[1, for, 1] =(ToCamel)=> 1For1
[1, for1] =(ToCamel)=> 1For1


The working repository is at Gitlab at https://gitlab.com/zephinzer/go-strcase, if you are seeing this on Github, it's just for SEO since y'know all the cool new kids are on Github 😂


A rough changelog when the contributors can remember to add it is here:

Version Description
v1.0.1 Added code comments for just-in-time documentation, added alises for a few of the case names
v1.0.0 Initial release with support for camelCase, CapitalCase, lower-kebab-case, lower_snake_case, UPPER-KEBAB-CASE, UPPER_SNAKE_CASE


Use this anywhere you need to. Licensed under the MIT license