
Base Docker image for kickstarting microservice development with Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Genesis Microservice

Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage

Genesis is a base Docker image that can be used to efficiently roll an application destined for deployment in a microservices achitecture.

Features Thus Far

✅ environment variable based configurations ✅ liveness probe endpoint ✅ readiness probe endpoint ✅ prometheus metrics endpoint ✅ basic auth protection for metrics endpoint ✅ cross-origin-resource-sharing (cors) management ✅ gzip compression of responses ✅ header stripping ✅ server access logging ✅ out-of-the-box database connection ❌ logs streaming system for logs collators ❌ cross-site-request-forgery protection


To use Genesis in your project, create a Dockerfile with the following contents:

FROM zephinzer/genesis:latest
COPY . /app
ENTRYPOINT ["npm", "start"]

In the same directory, create a ./routes directory. This holds your custom routes. Each route file should export either an object or a middleware:


Object Route

An object route should export a function that returns an object which has properties corresponding to the HTTP methods. For example:

module.exports = () => ({
  get: (req, res) => { /* ... */ },
  post: (req, res) => { /* ... */ },
  put: (req, res) => { /* ... */ },
  patch: (req, res) => { /* ... */ },
  delete: (req, res) => { /* ... */ },
  // ...

Middleware Route

A middleware route should export a function that returns the Express middleware. For example:

module.exports = () =>
  (req, res) => { /* ... */ };

Route Naming

To achieve a route structure of the following routes:

  • GET /object_a
  • GET /object_a/:id
  • POST /object_a/*
  • GET /

The directory structure would look like:

- {index}.js
- /object_a.js
- /object_a
  - {_}id.js
  - {star}.js

{_} is mapped to ':', {index} is mapped to '' and {star} is mapped to '*'.

Further Reading

See https://github.com/zephinzer/express-diroutes for more information on the route generation from the directory structure.


Database migrations and seeds can be executed using the scripts found in ./provisioning.


Create a new directory called db and create a sub-directory in there named migrations. New migrations can be placed in that directory and will automatically be run.

TODO: update after trying it out


Create a new directory called db and create a sub-directory in there named seeds. New seed files can be placed in that directory and will automatically be run.

TODO: update after trying it out

Application Architecture

Support Endpoints

GET /metrics

Basic Auth protected. This endpoint can be configured using an environment variable Exposes the Prometheus metrics.

GET /healthz

This endpoint can be configured using an environment variable for customisation purposes

Exposes a health-check (livenessProbe) for container orchestration systems to call.

Returns HTTP 200 with a JSON response body of "ok" when all is good.

GET /readyz

This endpoint can be configured using an environment variable for customisation purposes

Exposes a readiness-check (readinessProbe) for container orchestration systems to call. We currently check for:

  • database configuration error
  • database client specification error
  • database connection error

Returns HTTP 200 with a JSON response body of "ok" when all is good.

Returns HTTP 500 with a JSON response body of all errors when something is wrong.

Deployment Configuration


When this is defined, Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing (CORS) is activated. If the value is an empty string, all origins will be allowed, otherwise, CORS is activated for the specified domains delimited by a comma.

When left undefined, Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing is disabled.

Defaults to undefined.


When this is defined, basic auth will be applied to the following endpoints:

  • /metrics

The value for this environment variable should be an array of username:passwords separated by commas. An example:


The above will create two users, user1 and user2, with their respective passwords.

Defaults to undefined.


Defines the client we should be connecting to the database with. This can be one of:

  • mysql (MySQL)
  • mysql2 (MySQL)
  • sqlite3 (SQLite)
  • pg (PostgreSQL)
  • mariasql (MariaDB)
  • oracle (OracleDB)
  • mssql (MSSQL)

Defaults to "mysql2".


Defines the maximum number of connections we should maintain with the database.

Defaults to 10.


Defines the minimum number of connections we should maintain with the database.

Defaults to 2.


Defines a connection URL.

Defaults to an object defining the database host (DB_HOST), database port (DB_PORT), database schema (DB_SCHEMA), database user (DB_USER) and the password for the user (DB_PASSWORD).


Defines the database host we should be connecting to. This is ignored if DB_CONNECTION_URL is specified.

Defaults to "localhost".


Defines the name for the database migration table we will be using.

Defaults to "db_migrations_list".


Defines the password for the database user defined in the DB_USER environment variable. This is ignored if DB_CONNECTION_URL is specified.

Defaults to "genesis".


Defines the database port we should be connecting to. This is ignored if DB_CONNECTION_URL is specified.

Defaults to 3306.


Defines the database schema we should be using. This is ignored if DB_CONNECTION_URL is specified.

Defaults to "genesis".


Defines the database user we should be using. This is ignored if DB_CONNECTION_URL is specified.

Defaults to "genesis".


Defines the endpoint for health checks to be done on.

Defaults to /healthz.


Defines the endpoint for metrics.

Defaults to /metrics.


Defines the environment we are running in.

Valid values are "development" or "production". If it is neither, the server assumes "development"

Defaults to "development".


Defines the port which the server should listen on.

Defaults to 4000.


Defines the endpoint for readiness checks to be done on.

Defaults to /readyz.


Specifies the realm for basic authentication.

Defaults to "genesis".

Notes On Contributing


We use ESLint to maintain code conventions and quality. To run the linter:

npm run eslint;

See the Travis CI script for more info.

Functional Testing

Two types of tests are present in our tests. The first is unit tests which are most of tests you will see. The second is systems tests which simulates execution of the server and running queries against it - this is found in the server.test.js.

We use mocha, chai, sinon and supertest to validate functional behaviour of the service.

To run the tests:

npm run mocha;

To run it in development which adds watching and allows for .only and xit keywords:

npm run mocha-watch;

See the Travis CI script for more info.

Running Locally

During development, we try to keep the feedback loop short, so we avoid running genesis in a Docker container.

Database In Development

Run the database alone using:

npm run db-development

The above command starts the database and builds the development image so that we can do a database migration and seed. If the database migration/seed files are changed, you will have to run the above command again to get the correct version of your database schema.

Running Application In Development

In development, we can use a live-reload tool such as nodemon which watches for file changes and reloads the application when any changes are detected. This allows us to write code, save it and have our server reflect the newly acquired behaviour. To activate this, use:

npm run dev

Configuring During Development

The file ./.env contains configurations that assume a database is running on the local computer. This database can be either a local MySQL instance, or you can spin it up using docker-compose using npm run db-development as shown above.


To create a development build, run:

npm run build -- development

To create a production build, run:

npm run build -- production

Building has no real use, we only use it in the Travis pipeline to push to DockerHub.

Contribution Flow

Raise Issue

Start an issue so that everyone knows what you're working on. It'll suck if someone was doing the same thing you did and only one person's code will be merged in.

You can also assign the issue to yourself if you are taking up the work.

Fork & Build

Fork this repository and make your changes in your master branch. After making your changes:

  1. Update the README.md for the changes you have made
  2. Add yourself as a contributor to the package.json file (yay)
  3. Write/rewrite the tests for components you've changed - think of the tests as functional specifications so that if someone needs to see how something is used, they can refer to the tests.
  4. Add an appropriate version bump - use [major version bump] for a major version bump and [minor version bump] for a minor one according to the SEMVER specification. Patch versions are automatically bumped if none of those tags are available.

Merge Request

Done making changes? Submit a Pull Request and let the Travis CI pipeline pass. On passing, your code will be reviewed using the Code Climate statistics as well as a human check to ensure leaness and maintainability.


For reading till the end, here's a potato.
