
A theoretical experiment to enable writing a CI/CD pipeline in good ol' JavaScript.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A theoretical experiment to enable writing a CI/CD pipeline in good ol' JavaScript.

Build Status npm version

"Atwood would be proud"


  1. Run your pipeline locally
  2. Involve developers by using their favourite language
  3. Run JavaScript instead of Bash
  4. Distribute your pipeline
  5. Write once, export for multiple CI runners



  • Consumer able to define pipeline stages via .stage() (see usage)
  • Consumer able to define pipeline jobs within a stage via .job() (see usage)
  • Consumer able to load a Pipelyne by specifying a file path URI (see usage)
  • Consumer able to load a an externally defined Pipelyne (see usage)
  • Consumer able to add manually input bash scripts via .run() (see usage)

Variable Management

  • Consumer able to set and read a variable all during runtime (see usage)

File Operations

  • Consumer able to read contents of a file into memory (see usage)

NPM Convenience Methods

  • Consumer able to install NPM dependencies (see usage)
  • Consumer able to publish to NPM (see usage)
  • Consumer able to run an NPM script (see usage)

Exporting from Pipelyne

  • Consumer able to export pipeline to Travis format (see usage)


  • Consumer able to do file manipulation
  • Consumer able to set file ownership permissions
  • Consumer able to set file modification/execution permissions
  • Consumer able to run NPM scripts from package.json
  • Consumer able to publish to DockerHub
  • Consumer able to do a Git push to repository
  • Consumer able to export pipeline to GitLab format


# with npm < 5
npm i pipelyne --save;
# or with npm > 5
npm i pipelyne;
# or with yarn
yarn add pipelyne


Importing & Initialisation

import {Pipelyne} from 'pipelyne';

const pipeline = new Pipelyne();

Defining a Stage

pipeline.stage('stage name', {/* stage options */})

Defining a Job

  .stage('stage name', {/* stage options */})
  .job('job name', {/* job options */})

Defining a Shell Command

  .stage('stage name', {/* stage options */})
  .job('job name', {/* job options */})
  .run('pwd') // runs the `pwd` command

Reading file contents into memory

Runs at run-time, not build-time

  .stage('stage name')
  .job('job name')
  .readFile('./path/to/file', 'testvar');

pipeline.getVariable('testvar'); // undefined


pipeline.getVariable('testvar'); // contents of file

Set and read variable at runtime

  .stage('stage name')
  .job('job name')
  .readFile('./path/to/file', 'testvar')
  .print('file contents are:', pipeline.ref('testvar'));

pipeline.getVariable('testvar'); // undefined

pipeline.execute(); // observe "file contents are: ..." output

Loading external Pipelyne via path


NOTE: The file at ./path/to/pipelyne.js should export a pipelyne property.

Loading external Pipelyne


NOTE: The loaded pipelyne should be an instance of Pipelyne.

Installing NPM Dependencies

  // doing a development dependencies install
  // doing a production dependencies install
  .npm.install({production: true});

Publishing to NPM


Running an NPM Script

  // npm run build
  // npm run test -- --watch
  .npm.run('test', {args: '--watch'});

Exporting Pipelyne for Travis

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
// ...
// export the pipeline into a file named .travis.yml
  path.join(__dirname, './.travis.yml'),


Pipelyne Instance

A Pipelyne instance exposes the following methods:

Method Parameters Description
.stage :stageName, :stageOptions Defines a stage named :stageName. See StageOptions for possible configurations
.job :jobName, :jobOptions Defines a job named :jobName under the current stage. See JobOptions for possible configurations
.run :script, :commandOptions Defines a command that runs a shell script containing the script :script. See CommandOptions for possible configurations
.load :pathToPipelyne | :Pipelyne Loads an externally defined Pipelyne. When the parameter is a String, the String is taken as the relative path URI to a file exporting a property "pipelyne" which should be a Pipelyne instance. When the parameter is a Pipelyne, the defined stages are automatically loaded into the current Pipelyne.
.npm.publish - Publishes the current NPM package.
.npm.install {:production} Installs the NPM dependencies
.npm.run :command, {:args} Runs the specified NPM command :command. If arguments are needed, use the :arg property in the options object.
.ref :variableName Returns a function that Pipelyne will call on run to draw from a variable that is set during run-time.
.print ...:thingsToPrint Prints the arguments as a string. Arguments are delimited by a space.
.readFile :filePath, :variableName Loads the file content of the file at :filePath relative to the baseUri and stores it in the variable named :variableName
.getVariable :variableName Returns the variable with name :variableName. Runs at build-time.
.setVariable :variableName, :value Sets a variable with name :variableName to the value :value. Runs at build-time.
.toString :format Exports the current Pipelyne as a String. See PipelyneStringFormat for possible formats.
.exportFor :ciProvider Exports the current Pipelyne in the format of the specified :ciProvider. Currently only Travis is supported. See our pipelyne.js for an example of doing this. The pipelyne.js is executed using the NPM script pipeline. See the package.json



Key Type Description
allowFailure Boolean Decides whether the Runnable is allowed to fail.
id String Indiciates the ID of the Runnable. This should be automatically generated by the Runnable's constructor.


Stage options includes all the configurations in RunnableOptions as well as the following:

Key Type Description
name String Name in normal text. The id of the Stage will be set to a kebab-cased version of the name.


Job options includes all the configurations in RunnableOptions as well as the following:

Key Type Description
name String Name in normal text. The id of the Job will be set to a kebab-cased version of the name.


Command options includes all the configurations in RunnableOptions.

No extra configurations are available.


This can be one of "json" or "overview".


Fork, make changes, push, merge request with master, wait for tests to pass. You know the drill (:


This package is licensed under the MIT license.

See the attached license file for details.


Version Description
0.0.7 Added .npm convenience methods with .publish(), .install() and .run(:scriptNameFromPackageJson)
0.0.6 Added .print to print stuff to the terminal and .ref functions to reference run-time variables
0.0.5 Added build-time variable support and file content reading
0.0.4 Added test resources to .npmignore and added stuff to package.json
0.0.3 Refactored exporter into its own module and enabled setting of set +x and set -x for allowing/disallowing failure in Travis exports
0.0.2 Added undocumented exporter and external Pipelyne loading
0.0.1 Initial release
