What's This

This repository is the example repo used for the React.js Singapore meetup on 23rd of May 2017.

The slides for the talk are available at:


More to Read

A full article describing each of these tools is available on my blog at:


How To Use It

Don't just copy and paste it into your own projects, rather, tinker with the provided configurations and see what breaks/works better.

Getting Started

Clone Repo & Install Dependencies

Clone this repo. If you use yarn (which you should), install the dependencies like this:

# yarn install

Or else plain ol' npm will do:

# npm install

Run Karma unit/system tests

To run the Karma tests (which runs the Enzyme tests):

# npm run test

Coverage reports will be available in the /static/coverage/karma folder.

Run npm run dev and access it at http://localhost:3000/static/coverage/karma/index.html.

Run ESLint code quality checks

To run ESLint:

# npm run eslint

Run Plato code quality tests

To run the Plato ECMAScript code quality tool:

# npm run plato

Coverage reports will be available in the /static/coverage/plato folder.

Run npm run dev and access it at http://localhost:3000/static/coverage/plato/index.html.

Run Codecept acceptance tests

To run the Feature tests (which uses Codecept):

  1. Start up the selenium server with:
# npm run selenium

Wait till you see a line of output that looks like the following before proceeding:

[INFO  - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.XXXX] GhostDriver - Main - running on port 4444
  1. In another terminal, run the application:
# npm run dev

Wait till you see a line of output that looks like the following before proceeding:

Compiled successfully in ???ms
  1. Finally in a last terminal, run Codecept:
# npm run codecept

Coverage reports will be available in the /static/coverage/codecept folder.

Run npm run dev and access it at http://localhost:3000/static/coverage/codecept/index.html.