
An actionsheet for jquerymobile

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Added data-sheet. Assign a data-sheet ID in the trigger link, then assign your desired action sheet div that same ID.
I find it very useful to be able to put the action sheet div anywhere.

This is an iOS like action sheet

See index.html more for full example.

Its not a page its a popup you can use on a page. To do so, first, include actionsheet css and js to the first page of your application. 
Then simply place a HTML Element on the page you like to open the popup.
A link tag for example. Add the data-role "actionsheet" to it. U can place it within
the header as well as within the content. Both should work.
Now add a div directly following this link. Wrap all content you like to show in the popup
into this div. Ready. See the following HTML code for details.

<a data-icon="plus" data-role="actionsheet" data-sheet="uniqueID">Open</a>
<div id="uniqueID">
      <a data-role="button" href="#"/>Action 1</a>
      <a data-role="button" href="#"/>Action 2</a>
      <a data-role="button" href="#"/>Action 3</a>
      <a data-role="button" data-rel="close" href="#"/>Cancel</a>

The example above contains the optional close button to close the widget. It also closes if
you click or touch outside of the popup.
If you like to change the in -out Animation you can do that by editing the keyframes in jquery.mobile.actionsheet.css

* Easy to configure CSS3 based keyframe animations
* Popup content can be any HTML
* No js coding needed.
* Nice default look