
[obsolete] Experiment of Zephyr SDK recompilation with Ada lang support. The result of this work was used to build native packages of Zephyr SDK toolchain with enabled Ada lang: https://software.opensuse.org/download/package?package=arm-zephyr-eabi&project=home%3Aila.embsys%3Azephyr-ada https://software.opensuse.org/download/package?package=riscv64-zephyr-eabi&project=home%3Aila.embsys%3Azephyr-ada

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Zephyr ADA containers

Containers to develop Ada programs based on Zephyr RTOS.

Container Hierarchy

zephyr-sdk-ada-build-base   zephyr-sdk-ada-base
            |                       |
            |                       |
            |                       |
            |                       |
    zephyr-sdk-ada-arm   zephyr-sdk-ada-riscv64

zephyr-sdk-ada-build-base (auxiliary)

The base container with the environment to build Zephyr SDK. Does the same as the original build script but also have some patches for crosstool-ng and original configs to make the toolchain with Ada support. It provides only preparation without the final build step.

zephyr-sdk-ada-base (auxiliary)

The base container with the environment for the Zephyr SDK itself. Without build dependencies. And without built toolchain itself.


The container inherited from zephyr-sdk-ada-base. The Dockerfile build also makes the final build stage of the toolchain for arm architecture in separate internal zephyr-sdk-ada-build-arm Docker stage based on zephyr-sdk-ada-build-base.


Same as zephyr-sdk-ada-arm but for riscv64 architecture.


Run Docker image. For example arm toolchain version

docker run -it zephyrada/zephyr-sdk-ada-arm

Create a project folder

mkdir myproject && cd myproject

Initialize West and update Modules

west init && west update

Go to sample and build it

cd zephyr/samples/basic/blinky
west build -b stm32f429i_disc1

How to build containers

You can use make targets.

Note about registry

Pass REGISTRY_BASE="<registry_base>" to make argument if needs to replace container prefix. For example:

make REGISTRY_BASE="" base

will build zephyr-sdk-ada-base

make REGISTRY_BASE="myname/" base

will build myname/zephyr-sdk-ada-base

be careful to keep slash at the end of REGISTRY_BASE

Build commands

Build base containers by invoking:

make base
make build-base

Build a container with the target architecture. For example:

make arm


make riscv64