Fyer API WebSocket

Fyer Logo

Fyer API WebSocket is a Python-based application that demonstrates the usage of Fyer's API with WebSocket functionality. This project allows you to connect to Fyer's trading API through WebSocket, enabling real-time data streaming and trading automation.

Table of Contents


Fyer is a popular online stock trading platform. This project provides a Python script that connects to Fyer's API using the WebSocket protocol. The WebSocket connection allows for efficient real-time data updates and quick execution of trading strategies.


  • WebSocket Data Streaming: Utilize WebSocket to receive real-time market data, including live stock prices, order book changes, and trade execution updates.
  • Trading Automation: Develop and deploy trading algorithms that can execute orders based on real-time market data received via the WebSocket connection.
  • Interactive Data Analysis: Use streamed data to perform interactive analysis, create visualizations, and make informed trading decisions.
  • Easy Integration: The project demonstrates how to establish a WebSocket connection with Fyer's API, making it easier to integrate within your own trading strategies or applications.

Getting Started


To run the Fyer API WebSocket application, you'll need:

  • Python: Make sure you have Python installed on your system.
  • Fyer API Credentials: Obtain your API credentials by signing up on the Fyer platform and generating your API keys.

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/SHIVANIUM-GIT/fyer_api_websocket.git
  2. Install the required Python packages using pip:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Open the config.py file and replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' and 'YOUR_API_SECRET' with your Fyer API credentials.

  4. Run the Python script:

        python main.py

Automatically Generate Access Token for your FYERS API

A Python Script to automatically generate Access Token for your FYERS API


  • An account with FYERS. If you don't have an account, you can open the same using this link

#INSTALLATION: *pip install fyers-apiv2


  • Python 3
  • fyers_api
  • python-dotenv

.env file formate

  • client_id=""
  • secret_key=""
  • redirect_uri=""