
Tool for embedding .ico & manifest resources in Go programs for Windows.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

rsrc - Tool for embedding binary resources in Go programs.for windows

this project fork form rsrc


go get github.com/srfirouzi/rsrc


rsrc [-i main.rc] [-o rsrc.syso] [-arch amd64]
Generates a .syso file with specified resources embedded in .rsrc section. The .syso file can be linked by Go linker when building Win32 executables. Icon embedded this way will show up on application's .exe instead of empty icon. Manifest file embedded this way will be recognized and detected by Windows.

The generated *.syso files should get automatically recognized by 'go build' command and linked into an executable/library, as long as there are any *.go files in the same directory.


  • -arch {arch}: architecture of output file - one of: 386, amd64(default amd64)
  • -i {input file}: path of input rc file(default main.rc)
  • -o {outputfile}: name of output COFF (.res or .syso) file (default rsrc.syso)


rsrc -i main.rc -arch 386 -o rsrc.syso
# or can use default value
rsrc -arch 386

rc file format,like standard rc format but different

id format file
id format file

format supprt

  • ICON


100 ICON "icon.ico"
200 MANIFEST "manifest.manifest"