SDMI Function Library Documention

Simple overview of use/purpose.


Install python dependancies:

python -m pip install numpy scipy sklearn matplotlib

Clone and Unzip Repo:

git clone
cd NumLibDistroPub
cd SDMI_Base_Folder

Build and Install:

python build
sudo python install


import sdmiFuncLib as sfl
sfl.generalParaEq(0.2, [1, 3], [0,0], 4, 0, 0)

Expected Output: (1.909796863652831, 3.1844249545367442)


This python example implements the plot trial function for predefined capture order

Example showing demo of adaptive method

Example showing demo of Enumeration method

API Reference

Dominant Region Parametric Generation Functions

generalParaEq(theta, Invader, Defender, alpha, r, T)

Description: This function generates a single X,Y coordinate point on the boundry of the dominant region based on the parametric angular coordinate theta.


  • theta: scalar, parametric angular coordinate of point on dominant region boundry
  • Invader: [X,Y], position of invader
  • Defender: [X,Y], position of defender
  • alpha: scalar, ratio of speeds, V_defender / V_invader
  • r: scalar, capture range of defender
  • T: scalar, Time offset before defender takes optimal pursuit, used for SDMI cases


  • [X,Y]: coordinate point on the boundry of the dominant region based on the parametric angular coordinate

paraEqPath(Invader, Defender, alpha, r, T, [bounds], [num]):

Description: This function generates an array of (#)num points on dominant region boundry, evenly distributed between bounds placed on the parametric angular coordinate.


  • Invader: [X,Y], position of invader
  • Defender: [X,Y], position of defender
  • alpha: scalar, ratio of speeds, V_defender / V_invader
  • r: scalar, capture range of defender
  • T: scalar, Time offset before defender takes optimal pursuit, used for SDMI cases
  • bounds [optional]: [LowerBound, Upperbound ], default = [-pi, pi]
  • num [optional]: number of points generated, default = 314


  • [[X, Y],.. [Xn, Yn]]: Array Size [num,2]

Convex Target Region Function (Assumed Circular)

f(Pos, Invader, Defender, alpha, r, T, G_circ)

Description: Convex Target Region function f(p) >= 0 is out of region and f(p) < 0 inside region.


  • Pos: [X,Y], Any 2-D point on game field
  • Invader: [X,Y], position of invader
  • Defender: [X,Y], position of defender
  • alpha: scalar, ratio of speeds, V_defender / V_invader
  • r: scalar, capture range of defender
  • T: scalar, Time offset before defender takes optimal pursuit, used for SDMI cases
  • G_circ: [X_c, Y_c, R], Circular Function Parameters, [X_c, Y_c] = Center of target region, R = Radius of dominant region


  • g: Value of convex target region evaluated at point Pos

Simulated Trial Plotting Tools


Description: Takes in 2D array of Invader location, [[X, Y],.. [Xn, Yn]], creates python dictionary object with invader data.


  • I_array: [[X, Y],.. [Xn, Yn]], positions of invader


  • I_dict: Dictionary Object with invader location
  • I_list: List of Invader names

plotTrial(Defender, I_dict, Capt_Order, G_circ, alpha, r, axisSz=[-10,10,-5,10], plotFlag=1, T = 0, effMethod = 0, plt=plt)

Description: This function plays out an SDMI game from initial condition with a predefined capture order defined by the order of Capt_Order It can plot out the trial, and returns some key stats about the trial


  • Defender: [X,Y], position of defender
  • I_dict: Dictionary Object with invader location
  • Capt_Order: ex. ['I1', 'I3', 'I2'] Ordered List of Invaders (Capture Order)
  • G_circ: [X_c, Y_c, R], Circular Function Parameters, [X_c, Y_c] = Center of target region, R = Radius of dominant region
  • alpha: scalar, ratio of speeds, V_defender / V_invader
  • r: scalar, capture range of defender
  • axisSz [optional]: size of gamefield plotted
  • plotFlag [optional]: set to 1(default) to plot to 0 to suppress
  • T: scalar, Time offset before defender takes optimal pursuit, used for SDMI cases
  • effMethod: scalar, effeciency calculation method, 2 = Distance Traveled, 1 = Distance from Target region, 0 = hybrid effeciency method [Han Fu, 2020]


  • TotEff: Total efficency of Capture order plan
  • P_star: 2D array of optimal capture points
  • T: Time duration of game

loadTrialData(filename, trialNo)

Description: Load trial from dataset (.npz) file and retrieve key info on trial results


  • filename: str, name of npz file
  • trialNo: scalar, Number ID of trial in question


  • BestOrder: Total efficency of Capture order plan
  • BestScore: 2D array of optimal capture points
  • Iarr: Time duration of game
  • NumCount: Number of SDSI sub-problems solved
  • meanVect: Mean of the aggregated performance of dataset
  • StdData: Standard deviation of aggregated perfromance of the dataset

Trial Scoring Tools

flightPathScore(P_star, Defender)

Description: Computes a 'fliability' score of the flight path based on how sharp turns in the flight path are.


  • P_star: 2D array of optimal capture points
  • Defender: [X,Y], position of defender


  • Score: score of capture order plan

numInTarget(P_star, G_circ, Capt_Order, I_dict)

Description: Calculates how many invaders have made it past the defences


  • P_star: 2D array of optimal capture points
  • G_circ: [X_c, Y_c, R], Circular Function Parameters, [X_c, Y_c] = Center of target region, R = Radius of dominant region
  • Capt_Order: ex. ['I1', 'I3', 'I2'] Ordered List of Invaders (Capture Order)
  • I_dict: Dictionary Object with invader location


  • Score: Number of invaders that have reached the target region

Capture Order Decision Tools

computeBestOrderEnum(I_array, r, alpha, Defender, G_circ, dist=0, eMethod = 0 ):

Description: Computes the best capture order through brute force enumeration


  • I_array: [[X, Y],.. [Xn, Yn]], 2D array of Invader Locations
  • r: scalar, capture range of defender
  • alpha: scalar, ratio of speeds, V_defender / V_invader
  • Defender: [X,Y], position of defender
  • G_circ: [X_c, Y_c, R], Circular Function Parameters, [X_c, Y_c] = Center of target region, R = Radius of dominant region
  • dist: scalar, Time offset before defender takes optimal pursuit, used for SDMI cases
  • eMethod: scalar, effeciency calculation method, 2 = Distance Traveled, 1 = Distance from Target region, 0 = hybrid effeciency method [Han Fu, 2020]


  • Best Order: Str Array, Best Capture Order
  • P_star: 2D array of optimal capture points
  • meanVect: Mean of the aggregated performance of dataset
  • StdData: Standard deviation of aggregated perfromance of the dataset
  • T: scalar, Time offset before defender takes optimal pursuit, used for SDMI cases

plotEnumerations(I_array, r, alpha, Defender, G_circ, dist=0, eMethod = 0, plt = plt)

Description: This function computes stats on the total set of feasible solution, used for research purposes


  • I_array: [[X, Y],.. [Xn, Yn]], 2D array of Invader Locations
  • r: scalar, capture range of defender
  • alpha: scalar, ratio of speeds, V_defender / V_invader
  • Defender: [X,Y], position of defender
  • G_circ: [X_c, Y_c, R], Circular Function Parameters, [X_c, Y_c] = Center of target region, R = Radius of dominant region
  • dist: scalar, Time offset before defender takes optimal pursuit, used for SDMI cases
  • eMethod: scalar, effeciency calculation method, 2 = Distance Traveled, 1 = Distance from Target region, 0 = hybrid effeciency method [Han Fu, 2020]
  • plt: plot figure ID


  • Best Order: Str Array, Best Capture Order
  • P_star: 2D array of optimal capture points
  • meanVect: Mean of the aggregated performance of dataset
  • StdData: Standard deviation of aggregated perfromance of the dataset

chooseCluster(r, alpha, Defender, G_circ, C1, C2, dist=0, effMethod=0)

Description: Facilitates The virtual invader approximation and picks the best cluster to visit first


  • r: scalar, capture range of defender
  • alpha: scalar, ratio of speeds, V_defender / V_invader
  • Defender: [X,Y], position of defender
  • G_circ: [X_c, Y_c, R], Circular Function Parameters, [X_c, Y_c] = Center of target region, R = Radius of dominant region
  • C1: [X,Y], Centroid of invader cluster 1
  • C2: [X,Y], Centroid of invader cluster 2
  • dist: scalar, Time offset before defender takes optimal pursuit, used for SDMI cases
  • effMethod: scalar, effeciency calculation method, 2 = Distance Traveled, 1 = Distance from Target region, 0 = hybrid effeciency method [Han Fu, 2020]


  • BestIdx: Best Option between C1 and C2

orderByCluster(I_dict, I_list, r, alph, Defender, G_circ, dist=0, eMethod=0)

Description: Facilitates KMeans Clustering of the Invaders and outputs Invader Clusters


  • I_dict: Dictionary Object with invader location
  • I_list: List of Invader names
  • r: scalar, capture range of defender
  • alpha: scalar, ratio of speeds, V_defender / V_invader
  • Defender: [X,Y], position of defender
  • G_circ: [X_c, Y_c, R], Circular Function Parameters, [X_c, Y_c] = Center of target region, R = Radius of dominant region
  • dist: scalar, Time offset before defender takes optimal pursuit, used for SDMI cases
  • eMethod: scalar, effeciency calculation method, 2 = Distance Traveled, 1 = Distance from Target region, 0 = hybrid effeciency method [Han Fu, 2020]


  • invInClust0: Str Array, Cluster of Invaders1
  • invInClust1: Str Array Cluster of Invaders2
  • ClusterLabel: Labels of Clusters

adaptiveClusteringOrder (I_array, Defender, G_circ, alpha, r, typeEff=0, InitMode=True, reInit = False)

Description: This function implements the adaptive clustering approach to find a good capture.


  • I_array: [[X, Y],.. [Xn, Yn]], 2D array of Invader Locations
  • Defender: [X,Y], position of defender
  • G_circ: [X_c, Y_c, R], Circular Function Parameters, [X_c, Y_c] = Center of target region, R = Radius of dominant region
  • alpha: scalar, ratio of speeds, V_defender / V_invader
  • r: scalar, capture range of defender
  • typeEff: scalar, effeciency calculation method, 2 = Distance Traveled, 1 = Distance from Target region, 0 = hybrid effeciency method [Han Fu, 2020]
  • InitMode [optional]: Initialization Flag (Keep True for standard use)
  • reInit [optional]: Allow Reinitialization Flag (Default=False: If true, it can be less effecient but the results are more reliable)


  • predictedOrder: Str Array, Approximated Optimal Capture Order