
PowerDNS tools

Primary LanguagePHP


PowerDNS tools

Manage the DNSSec + Supermasters through an API


Information about how to use this script can be found here: https://support.powerpanel.io/hc/en-us/articles/360001414908-PowerDNS-DNSSec-add-on


This script has been tested on:

  • version 3.x (Rest API PowerDNS: Ready for production)
  • Version 4.0 (Rest API PowerDNS: Ready for production)

DO NOT USE THIS ON VERSION 4.1 (or higher).

From version 4.1 our PowerPanel PowerDNS Plugins has native support.

Manage Supermasters


Information about how to use this script can be found here: https://support.powerpanel.io/hc/en-us/articles/360001693748-How-to-setup-use-name-servers-in-PowerPanel

This script will communicate with your MySQL server(s) used by PowerDNS. It will add/delete Supermasters used for creating "whitelabled" nameservers for your Resellers.

Installation steps

  • Edit fields/variables in the top of the Supermasters.php file
  • Install php + nginx (Needs to listen on port 8082)
  • Script need to install on all slaves (master is not important in this case)