
CRC Project (Schelling)

Primary LanguagePython

Generalized Schelling Model of Segregation

Repository with an implementation of the Generalized Schelling Model of Segregation, and results for some experiments.

Repository structure

  • main.py: file to use when running simulations.
  • experiment_functions.py: file with evaluation funcitons for an experiment.
  • results: folder with results of experiments run for the base report.
  • schelling: folder with source code for the simulation.
  • configs: folder with configurations of the experiments used for the report.
  • images: folder with images of each iteration of experiments.
  • gifs: folder with animations of experiments.

How to run

  • We used Python 3.9.5, but >=3.8 should work; install dependencies on requirements.txt
  • Use an existing config (e.g.: base), or write a YAML configuration file for the experiment you wish to run. The parameters are as follows:
    • groups: dict - keys are group names, and values are there percentage on the grid. For example "blue: 0.5" means that the blue group will occupy 50% of the grid's squares.
    • empty: float - percentage of empty squares in the grid.
    • is_costs: bool - if True, players spend resources to move squares at each iteration. The farther the square, the more resources spent.
    • is_smart: bool - if True, player movement is no longer random, but they select the square with more neighbors of their group.
    • shape: list - shape of the grid (each entry is a number of squares; must have two and only two entries)
    • similar_list: list - tolerance threshold for each group. Must have the same length as the groups dictionary; first entry corresponds to first group, etc...
    • resources_list: list - same as similar_list but for resources.
    • adaptivities_list: list - same as the previous two, but for adaptivity. The higher this value, the faster agents adapt their tolerance with their surroundings.
  • Run main.py with the variable "path" equal to the name of the config you wish to run. For example, "path = base" will have main run the config base.yaml.
  • This will print out the progress of the simulation, and at the end some evaluation results. The latter will be stored in a yaml file in results.