
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

iconik CSV Import/Export

This script is used to export all metadata of a particular view for search results, saved search results, or all items in a collection. It will allow you to either export data from iconik to a CSV file, or alternately use a CSV file to modify large amounts of metadata inside iconik across multiple assets.


- An iconik account
- Python 3.x
- a few external libraries (see requirements.txt)


Use pip install -r requirements first to install all prerequisites. If you are unsure of which version of Python you are running, type python --version in your CLI. I recommend using virtualenv to build your environment for Python 3.x and installing requirements.


There are two primary modes of use for this script, input and output. Input mode requires you feed the script a CSV file that is properly formatted. The format of this CSV has some basic requirements.

- First row MUST be a header row.  
- R1C1 MUST be simply `id`
- R1C2 MUST be simply `title`
- R1C3 -> R1Cn are the `name` attributes of the metadata fields in the view you want to manipulte
- First column is ALWAYS the UUID of the asset
- Second column is ALWAYS the title of the asset
- Columns 3->n are the values of the metadata fields in R1
- If a field can have multiple values, they must be comma separated in the appropriate cell.
- If a field is a boolean, it must be either `TRUE` or `FALSE`
id title field1_name field2_name bool_field_name
UUID My asset title Field 1 Value Field 2 Value1, Field 2 Value2 TRUE
UUID Another asset title Field 1 Value Field 2 Value1, Field 2 Value2 FALSE

If all that seems to difficult, I'd recommend you first use the script to export a CSV as it will be properly formatted CSV file.

For input mode, there are a few required command line arguments

short flag long flag description
-i <FILE_PATH> --input-file <PATH> Path to properly formatted CSV file
-v <UUID> --metadata_view <UUID> UUID of metadata view containing fields you want to update

For output mode, you are required to use a few more flags

short flag long flag description
-o <DIR_PATH> --output_dir <DIR_PATH> Path to directory where you want to save your CSV
-v <UUID> --metadata_view <UUID> UUID of metadata view containing fields you want to put into CSV
-m <MODE> --mode <MODE> One of three modes, search, saved_search, collection
-s <STRING> --search_term <STRING> If using saved_search or collection, this should be the UUID of the item. For search this is simply the search string

Using a Config File

All CLI arguments can be placed into a config file named config.ini in the same directory as the script, or in any location and called out by -c as a command line argument. This can be useful if you'd like to use an app-id and auth token instead of logging in each time you run the script, or if you always use the same metadata view or output directory.

See the example config file config.ini.example to see how to format the file.

Example Syntax

Outputting a CSV file for all items in a collection (requires manual login) python iconik_csv_io.py -o ~/Desktop -m collection -s ceeb2b0a-bad2-11ea-a431-0a580a3f6003 -v f3904488-f6d9-11e7-acf1-0a580a3c0118

Outputting a CSV file for the simple search "Mountains OR Cliffs", using config file for view (requires manual login) python iconik_csv_io.py -o ~/Desktop -m search -s "Mountains OR Cliffs"


Full Help Output

python iconik_csv_io.py --help

Import/Export metadata using CSV Files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config_file CONFIG_FILE
                        Path to custom config file
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  Must be either 'collection' or 'saved_search' or 'search'
  -s SEARCH_TERMS, --search_terms SEARCH_TERMS
                        Search string
  -v METADATA_VIEW, --metadata_view METADATA_VIEW
                        UUID of metadata view you want to work with
  -a APP_ID, --app_id APP_ID
                        iconik App-ID
  -t AUTH_TOKEN, --auth_token AUTH_TOKEN
                        iconik Auth Token
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input_file INPUT_FILE
                        Properly formatted importable CSV file
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Destination for exported CSV directory

Args that start with '--' (eg. -m) can also be set in a config file (config.ini or specified via -c). Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at https://goo.gl/R74nmi). If an arg is specified in more than one place, then
commandline values override config file values which override defaults.