Software Engineering Mentoring Week-1

Basic Rules

  • This is not a demo!
  • Mentor will be the facilitator, guiding the mentee to solve the tasks.
  • One person will share their screen, can be the mentor and one of the mentee.
  • Mentee will take turn in giving the correct commands to be typed by person sharing his/her screen.

Learning Objectives

  • Able to use tools commonly used by software engineer.
    • Able to use Unix based terminal
      • Know the directory he/she is working on
      • Can list files and foler inside a directory
      • Can move between directories
      • Can create a new file
      • Can delete file
      • Can open file with code editor
    • Able to use code editor
      • Can open file with code editor
      • Can work with code editor, add/edit/remove text from a file opened with code editor
      • Can save file with code editor
    • Able to use basic git commands
      • git config
      • git init
      • git status
      • git add
      • git commit
      • git branch


  • Install code editor (e.g. VS Code)
  • Install gitBash for Windows or git for Linux based distro (in WSL for windows)
  • Create account in github


World Culinary Collection

  • Concepts:
    • Terminal usage
      • Create folder
      • Create file
      • Move between folders
      • Move files between folders
    • Code Editor
      • Open file
      • Edit file
      • Save file
  • Input:
    • Ideas on famous food in the world
  • Output:
    • One text file and one picture file of each culinary in subfolders by country
    • One summary file in primary folder.
    • Final structure example, see folder "world culinary collection"
  • Directions:
    • Create one folder to be used as primary folder
    • Create one summary list file in primary folder
    • Create subfolder for countries, minimum 3 subfolder.
    • Decide on 3 countries that have famous culinary food.
    • Name the famous culinary food
    • Create empty file in folder country with the name of the food.
    • Google the culinary food
      • Find text to be used, can be the summary of the food or history of the food or the recipe.
      • Put the text into a text file using text editor
      • Find picture to represent the food.
        • Download the picture
        • Move the file to folder country where the text file is.
  • Rule
    • Minimum of 3 countries
    • Minimum of 1 food for each country
    • One text file and one image file for each food

My first Git

  • Concepts:
    • git config
    • git init
    • git add
    • git commit
    • git status
  • Input:
    • "Hello World"
  • Output:
    • one file containing "Hello World" inside a local git repo.
  • Directions:
    • Create a folder as working directory
    • Run git config and update the data
    • Run git init inside the working directory
    • Create an empty file
    • Edit the file and write "Hello World"
    • Run git add
    • Run git commit
    • Run git status and explain
  • Rule:
    • Explain git status
    • Can ask each mentee share their screen and do this step ( if time permits )


My Git Culinary Collection

  • Concepts:
    • git init
    • git branch
    • Basic git commands ( add, commit, status )
    • git checkout to switch branch
    • git merge Put World Culinary Collection into Git. Initialize a local repo, create the primary folder and summary.txt, then commit. For each country, create a new branch, then add the culinary together with the subfolder. Remember to update the summary file in primary folder. Then switch branch to master/main and do a merge.
  • Input:
    • Data from World Culinary Collection or create new ones
  • Output:
    • A local git repo containing branches of country and culinary data.
  • Directions:
    • Create primary folder
    • Init a local repo inside primary folder
    • Create summary file
    • git add and commit
    • Git branch for each country
    • Create folder for each country
    • Add the culinary file and image to each country
    • Update summary file in primary folder
    • git checkout to main branch
    • git merge country branch to main
  • Rule:
    • Same rule as World Culinary Collection
    • Each country have it's own branch, the order for directions does not matter (create folder then branch is OK, create branch then create folder is OK).
    • If possible repeat this 5 times, each student sharing their screen and add new culinary ( googling, add, commit, merge) with other mentee supporting and mentor facilitating if mistakes are made.