
My dotfiles: Experimental, ongoing configuration files, development environment and scripts for various Unix-like systems, text-based command-line applications and interfaces.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

kutsan's dotfiles vint


running neovim inside tmux that is inside kitty terminal emulator with monaco font on


  • zsh - Highly customizable interactive login shell and command interpreter for shell scripting
    • pure - Minimal and fast Zsh prompt with asynchronous git fetch
    • autopair - Auto-close and delete matching delimiters
    • system-clipboard - Synchronize ZLE clipboard buffer with system clipboard
    • syntax-highlighting - Fish-like syntax highlighting support for interactive terminal
    • autosuggestions - Fish-like auto-suggestions for interactive terminal based on command history
  • neovim - The fork of ubiquitous text editor focused on extensibility and usability
    • material - Color scheme
    • colorizer - High-performance color highlighter
    • defx - File explorer
      • Send2Trash - Python library to natively send files to trash
    • defx-icons - Icon columm support for defx
    • fugitive - Git client
    • fzf - Fuzzy finder fzf as plugin
    • peartree - Auto-pair plugin that supports multi-character pairs and intelligent matching
    • polyglot - Big collection of language packs as scripts are loaded only on demand
    • sandwich - The set of operator and text object plugins to search, select, edit sandwiched text objects
    • signify - Show Git diff in the sign column
    • undotree - Visualize undo tree
  • git - Version control system for tracking changes in files and coordinating the work
  • tmux - Terminal multiplexer enables working with split panes, tabs and detachable sessions
  • nodejs - JavaScript runtime environment for developing a diverse variety of applications
    • npm - Node Package Manager mainly for the JavaScript programming language
      • prettier - Code formatter for various web file types
      • neovim - Neovim Node support for plugins
      • fx - TUI JSON viewer
      • bitwarden - Password manager
  • python - High-level programming language for general-purpose programming
    • pip - Python package manager to install and manage packages written in Python
      • ranger - Text-based file system manager for the console with Vim-like key bindings
        • exiftool - Read, write and edit meta information in a wide variety of media files
      • vint - Extensible, high performance Vimscript linter and analysis tool
      • stig - TUI and CLI interface for transmission-daemon
      • terminal-colors - Test utility for color capabilities of terminal
      • grip - Preview Markdown files in local server
      • trackma - Multi-site anime, manga list manager
      • pynvim - Python client for neovim
      • trash-cli - Move files and folders to the trash
  • coreutils - GNU core utilities for basic file, shell and text manipulation
  • findutils - GNU basic directory searching utilities that provides find, locate and xargs
  • less - Standard file pager for Unix-like systems
  • curl - Tool for transferring data using various protocols
  • sed - Non-interactive command-line text editor
  • wget - Tool for retrieving files using the most widely-used Internet protocols
  • gnupg - Hybrid-encryption software suit, free implementation of the OpenPGP standard
  • nmap - Network security scanner and mapper for exploration and security auditing
  • openssl - Toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols
  • openssh - Connectivity tool for remote login with the SSH protocol
  • rsync - Utility that provides fast incremental file transfer
  • fzf - General-purpose fuzzy finder that can be used among other Unix tools
  • htop - Interactive text-based system monitor, process viewer and process manager
  • newsboat - RSS/Atom feed reader
  • neomutt - Fork of the mail user agent mutt with new features and patches
    • msmtp - SMTP agent for sending e-mails through mail user agents or terminal
  • ncdu - Disk usage analyzer for quickly finding big files with ncurses interface
  • ripgrep - Line oriented search tool similar to grep that combines the usability of ag
  • ffmpeg - Cross-platform solution to handle, record, convert and stream audio and video
  • transmission-cli - BitTorrent client and daemon with web UI for remote controlling
  • tidy-html5 - HTML linter with support for modern web standards
  • par - Paragraph reformatter and aligner for e-mails and plain text
  • bind - Domain Name System tools
  • gcal - Calculate and print calendars
  • mpv - Minimalist video player based on MPlayer
  • bat - A cat clone with additional features like git integration and syntax highlighting
  • universal-ctags - A maintained ctags implementation
  • wireguard - Virtual Private Network protocol to create secure point-to-point connections
  • ledger - Double-entry accounting system with a command-line reporting interface
  • gnuplot - Command-line driven graphing utility
  • oath-toolkit - Provides components for building one-time password authentication systems
  • gptfdisk - Interactive GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator
  • imagemagick - Software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image and vector image files
  • delta - A syntax-highlighter for git and diff output

