
A great extension for VS Coders

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dev Space


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An extension full of wonderful stuff to make your programming experience on VS Code better! It contains snippets, themes, and keybindings. It is updated with more content.


  1. Open VS Code and click on Extensions active bar badge
  2. Type Dev Space by SlashDEV
  3. Click Install
  4. Click Reload so that the extension can work
  5. You are ready to go, use Dev Space!
  6. To use themes: click Set Color Theme and select the one you want


In your editor, type the prefix for the snippets

Snippets start with...

  • js for JavaScript
    • react for Reactjs
    • next for Next.js
  • py for Python
  • ja for Java
  • ht for HTML
  • md for Markdown
  • cs for CSS
  • sc for SCSS

See all the available snippets for a language by typing start prefix.


There are a few themes you can choose from:

  • Super Dark Red
  • Super Light Blue
  • Code Dark Blue
  • Simple Dark Red

next: Paradise Dark Pink


Use the useful and fast keybindings of Dev Space

Alt+.Opens command prompt
Alt+pShows all the problems
Alt+aGoes to the previous error
Alt+dGoes to the next error
Alt+xDeletes current line

Bug/Bad Syntax

Found a bug or a bad syntax? Email slashdev.mail@gmail.com with the the category, the name if possible, and where the bug/bad syntax is. Thanks for your help!

Want credit? Write your name, username, or gamername in the email. Email addresses will not be sent for credits due to privacy reasons.

Your Advice

We need your advice to make Dev Space better, tell us what to add! We need to know your favorite snippets, themes, key bindings, etc.

We will try to add it ASAP

Hope Dev Space helps you!

By SlashDEV/Slash (slashdev.mail@gmail.com)