
Zer4tul's vim configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script

Out of Box VIM Configration

Build Status


oob-vim is a set of configurations for Vim, NeoVim, Gvim and MacVim.

It makes Vim works out of the box for Unix-like systems, and maybe on Windows ( not tested ), too.


Manually Installation

Clone the Git Repo from github

git clone git://github.com/zer4tul/oob-vim.git ~/.oob-vim

Create symlinks

for vim:

ln -s ~/.oob-vim ~/.vim

for NeoVim

ln -s ~/.oob-vim ~/.config/nvim

Install plugins

for vim:

vim +PlugInstall +qa

for NeoVim:

nvim +PlugInstall +qa

Automatic Installation

Install oob-vim for both vim and NeoVim:

curl -sLf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zer4tul/oob-vim/master/install.sh | bash

Install oob-vim for vim:

curl -sLf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zer4tul/oob-vim/master/install.sh | bash -- install vim

Install oob-vim for NeoVim:

curl -sLf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zer4tul/oob-vim/master/install.sh | bash -- install neovim

Note: The installation method all above are ONLY FOR UNIX-LIKE SYSTEMS.


  • ~/.vimrc.local --> For common Vim config customizations.
  • ~/.gvimrc.local --> For Gvim/MacVim customizations.
  • ~/.vimrc.bndles.local --> For bundles customizations.
  • Default color scheme is wombat256 ( for 256-color terminals ) or wombat. And included flazz's vim-colorschemes colletion & Base16. If you don't like the default one, you can spicify another.

Special Thanks To

Additional Syntaxes

  • Markdown ( bound to *.md, *.mdwn, *.mkd, *.mkdn, *.markdown )
  • Golang
  • SASS


  • Vim keyboard cheatsheet
