Discord theme based on https://github.com/altercation/solarized
You have two options to use this theme:
1. Use BetterDiscord and put the .theme.css file in the /BetterDiscord/themes/
folder or use evenBetterRepo
2. Install something like Stylish
Use the .sass file to quickly change the colorscheme. Now you just need to recompile the css. You again have to options:
1. Install ruby, then
gem install sass
sass --update solarized.sass:solarized.theme.css
add `--style compressed' to create a minified css
you may need to adjust your $PATH
to include ruby gem
your theme will not be automatically updated if you compile it yourself
2. http://www.sassmeister.com/ and make sure your syntax is set to sass
and add the meta tag at the top if you want to use it for BetterDiscord, e.g.
//META{"name":"Solarized","description":"solarized theme for discord","author":"ZerataX","version":"0.1"}//