
The AWS Service Operator (ASO) manages AWS services from Kubernetes

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AWS Service Operator for Kubernetes

This repo contains the next generation AWS Service Operator for Kubernetes (ASO).

An operator in Kubernetes is the combination of one or more custom resources and controllers managing said custom resources.

The ASO will allow containerized applications and Kubernetes users to create, update, delete and retrieve the status of objects in AWS services such as S3 buckets, DynamoDB, RDS databases, SNS, etc. using the Kubernetes API, for example using Kubernetes manifests or kubectl plugins.


As of end of 2019 we are in the early stages of planning the redesign of ASO. Check the issues list for descriptions of work items. We invite any and all feedback and contributions, so please don't hesitate to submit an issue, a pull request or comment on an existing issue.

For discussions, please use the #provider-aws channel on the Kubernetes Slack community or the mailing list.


Read about the motivation for and background on the ASO.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.