A simple little server to reply with whatever you'd like when you want to test what you're client will do, and don't care about the real server(s).
export GOBIN=`go env GOPATH`/bin
go get -u github.com/zerbitx/mouthttpiece
From mouthttpiece --help
Usage of mouthttpiece:
-contentType string
Content type header to be returned (default "application/json")
Reply with the request it was given
-port int
Default port (default 8000)
-reply string
What would you like the server to reply with for EVERY Request: default is json of {"status": "OK"}
-statusCode int
What status code to reply with by default (default 200)
So, if you want a server that always replies with a 418 with "I'm a little...well you know" on port 8312
echoserver -port 8312 -statusCode 418 -reply="I'm a little...well you know"
- PORT (port to start on)
- REPLY_DEFAULT (string of the standard response body)
- ECHO_RESPONSE (true|false)
- STATUS_CODE (int : status code to return by default)
- CONTENT_TYPE (string : default Content-Type header)
- responseBody
- statusCode
- contentType
For example
curl -v http://localhost:8312?statusCode=502&contentType=application/whatever&responseBody=great