If the CLI application is available on pub, activate globally via:
dart pub global activate tmt
Or locally via:
dart pub global activate --source=path <path to this package>
or git via:
dart pub global activate --source git https://github.com/namhi/tmt.git --git-ref=master
# Sample command
$ tmt create bloc
# Sample command option
$ tmt create bloc my_bloc
# Command create bloc template with --force flag and dependencies
$ tmt create bloc customers --dependencies=customer_repository,receiver_repository,log_service --force
# Show CLI version
$ tmt --version
# Show usage help
$ tmt --help
To run all unit tests use the following command:
$ dart pub global activate coverage 1.2.0
$ dart test --coverage=coverage
$ dart pub global run coverage:format_coverage --lcov --in=coverage --out=coverage/lcov.info
To view the generated coverage report you can use lcov .
# Generate Coverage Report
$ genhtml coverage/lcov.info -o coverage/
# Open Coverage Report
$ open coverage/index.html