
This resource aims to help people find proper torsos for a freemode character top item (component ID 11). So this ugly clipping doesn't happen:


This resource only provides "the best" torso for a specified top item, it will not help with:

  • Gloves
  • Undershirts (component ID 8)

Some tops don't have torso data so they'll just return -1, a better explanation can be found on the README file of v-clothingnames.

Visit https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Clothes for preview images of tops and torsos.

JS Example

const torsoDataMale = require("./besttorso_male.json");
const torsoDataFemale = require("./besttorso_female.json");
const freemodeModels = [ mp.joaat("mp_m_freemode_01"), mp.joaat("mp_f_freemode_01") ];

mp.events.addCommand("settop", (player, _, drawable, texture) => {
    if (freemodeModels.includes(player.model)) {
        drawable = Number(drawable);
        texture = Number(texture);

        if (isNaN(drawable) || isNaN(texture)) {
            player.outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /settop [drawable] [texture]");
        } else {
            if (player.model == freemodeModels[0]) {
                // male
                if (torsoDataMale[drawable] === undefined || torsoDataMale[drawable][texture] === undefined) {
                    player.outputChatBox("Invalid top drawable/texture.");
                } else {
                    player.setClothes(11, drawable, texture, 2);
                    if (torsoDataMale[drawable][texture].BestTorsoDrawable != -1) player.setClothes(3, torsoDataMale[drawable][texture].BestTorsoDrawable, torsoDataMale[drawable][texture].BestTorsoTexture, 2);
            } else {
                // female
                if (torsoDataFemale[drawable] === undefined || torsoDataFemale[drawable][texture] === undefined) {
                    player.outputChatBox("Invalid top drawable/texture.");
                } else {
                    player.setClothes(11, drawable, texture, 2);
                    if (torsoDataFemale[drawable][texture].BestTorsoDrawable != -1) player.setClothes(3, torsoDataFemale[drawable][texture].BestTorsoDrawable, torsoDataFemale[drawable][texture].BestTorsoTexture, 2);
    } else {
        player.outputChatBox("Switch to a freemode model first.");