
Forasoft Test Task

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Fullstack Developer Test Task

Application Description

The Chat Room app allows users to chat with other users in private chats

Technology stack

  • React
  • React Router
  • Node.js
  • Socket.io
  • Bootstrap

Application launch

To run the application, do the following:

  • Clone repository
  • Install general dependencies, as well as server and client dependencies
  • Execute server startup commands while in the /server and /client directories in turn

Application use

Create a chat:

  • After starting the client, go to the start page (localhost:3000/)
  • Specify a name and press the New Chat button or the Enter key
  • A new room will be created and the form will display the ID of the new room
  • Press the Enter Chat button or the Enter key
  • Start chatting

User prompt:

  • In the chat room, under the room ID, copy the link (Copy and share this link to invite your friends: localhost:3000/?roomId=YOUR_ROOM_ID) and transfer it to another user
  • Another user types in the browser line, the link passed above and in the authorization form should automatically substitute the identifier of the common room
  • Specify a name and press the Enter Chat button or the Enter key
  • Start chatting