
Generates random data in SQL format

Primary LanguageRuby


Generates ready for insertion SQL (or YAML) file with various data like random word, date, sentences phrase from specific dictionary as defined in config file. Ruby is needed.

How to use it?

  1. Download source code.
  2. Open config.yml and adjust it to your own needs.
  3. Run ruby generate.rb.
  4. Insert generated SQL file into your database. :-)

Known issues

As of early August 2012 project is in very early stage so expect all kind of problems. Sorry.

Example config file (YAML)

format: sql
        _attributes: { count: 200 }
        name: { type: entity, from: first_names_pl }
        lastname: { type: entity, from: last_names_pl }
        birthday_at: { type: date, min: 1900-01-01, max: 2006-12-31 }
        pesel: { type: pesel, fields_as_args: [birthday_at] }
        country: { type: entity, from: countries_pl }
        gender_id: { type: number, min: 1, max: 2 }
        is_active: { type: distributed, values: [ [true, 0.95], [false, 0.05] ] }
        is_deleted: { type: fixed, value: true }
        created_at: { type: code, code: 'DateTime.now()' }
        _attributes: { count: 350 }
        patient_id: { type: number, min: 2, max: 5 }
        description: { type: text, min_sentences: 2, max_sentences: 5 }

Supported field types: generic

  • fixed

    Required: value
    Simply set this field to value.

  • number

    Optional: min (default: 1)
    Optional: max (default: 999)
    Random number from minmax range.

  • serial

    Optional: start (default: 1)
    Generates successive numbers.

  • date

    Optional: min (default: '1950-01-01')
    Optional: max (default: '2009-12-31')
    Random date from minmax range.

  • datetime

    Optional: min (default: '1950-01-01 00:00:00')
    Optional: max (default: '2009-12-31 23:59:59')
    Random datetime from minmax range.

  • entity

    Required: from
    Loads a random value from dictionary specified in from attribute. Check dictionaries in data/ dir.

  • text

    Optional: min_sentences (default: 1)
    Optional: max_sentences (default: 20)
    Generates pseudo-text with random number of sentences from famous Lorem Ipsum.

  • word

    Generates random word (4-14 letters). Small letters only, consonants and vowels alternately.

  • duplicate

    Required: field
    Copies value from already generated field. This by itself does not seem very useful, but remember you can combine it with some prefixes and suffixes.

  • distributed

    Required: values (Array of Arrays)
    Randomizes fixed values using their weights. Example values can look like this:
    [ ['ruby', 0.2], ['php', 0.4], ['python', 0.25], ['c++', 0.14], ['java', 0.01] ] Meaning that you have 20% chance to get 'ruby' value, 40% for 'php' and so on. This does not guarantee that exaclty 20% of values will be 'ruby' because they are randoized independantly. Keep in mind that weights have to sum up to 1.

  • code

    Required: code
    Value is generated with specified Ruby code.

Supported field types: specific

  • pesel

    Optional: Array fields_as_args
    Method arguments: date = nil, sex = nil
    Generates Polish person's identification number using specific algorithm. Can be random but should depend on someone's birth date and sex cause they're required for proper calculations. Attribute fields_as_args allows using values generated for other fields but they should be placed before current field.

  • phone_number

    Generates random phone number matching pattern XXX-XXX-XXX, where X = 0..9.

  • email

    Generates random email matching pattern X@X.TLD, where X = where X is random string (3…10 chars) and TLD is one of few top-level domains.

  • postal_code

    Optional: country_code Random postal code matching XXXXX, where X = 0..9.
    Supported country codes:

    • PL: XX-XXX

Global parameters available for all field types

  • null_density - number from 0..1 range indicating how often NULL should be returned instead of generated value. If not defined all values will be generated. Example:
    phone_number: { type: phone_number, null_density: 0.25 } means that about 75% of all records will have random phone number generated.

  • prefix and suffix - use another value generator to add append or prepend to current value. Prefixes and suffixes can be nested and work only with values castable to string. Example: street: { type: entity, from: names_de, suffix: { type: fixed, value: 'straße ', suffix: { type: number, max: 99 } } }

Imagining the future

  • More user friendly error handling.
  • Writing also to CSV.
  • Support for auto-increment fields and SQL COPY format.
  • More specific generators.
  • Much more dictionaries (and better organized).
  • Constant code refactorization (to improve my Ruby skills).
  • Code unit tested.
  • All issues closed.

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