
A tiny open source/open hardware spacecraft project

Primary LanguagePython

KickSat is an open-source and open-hardware project created by the Space Systems Design Studio at Cornell University. It includes the following components:

- The Sprite Spacecraft (A tiny single-board spacecraft)
	* EagleCAD schematics and board layout files
	* Bill of Materials
	* Flight code for the onboard MSP430 microcontroller

- Ground Station
	* A GNU Radio based software radio receiver for the Sprite
	* A link budget spreadsheet for the Sprite spacecraft
- Sprite Deployer (A deployer that fits in a Pumpkin CubeSat structure)
	* CAD design files for the Sprite deployer
	* Bill of materials

- Development Kit
	* Energia (Arduino-based) development environment for the Sprite
	* GNU Radio configured to receive Sprite signals 
	* Code examples