
A docker environment for pwn in ctf

Primary LanguageDockerfileGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A docker environment for pwn in ctf based on phusion/baseimage, which is a modified ubuntu 16.04 baseimage for docker


docker run -it \
	--rm \
	-h ${ctf_name} \
	--name ${ctf_name} \
	-v $(pwd)/${ctf_name}:/ctf/work \
	-p 23946:23946 \
	--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE \

included software

  • pwntools —— CTF framework and exploit development library
  • pwndbg —— a GDB plug-in that makes debugging with GDB suck less, with a focus on features needed by low-level software developers, hardware hackers, reverse-engineers and exploit developers
  • ROPgadget —— facilitate ROP exploitation tool
  • roputils —— A Return-oriented Programming toolkit
  • one_gadget —— A searching one-gadget of execve('/bin/sh', NULL, NULL) tool for amd64 and i386
  • angr —— A platform-agnostic binary analysis framework
  • radare2 —— A rewrite from scratch of radare in order to provide a set of libraries and tools to work with binary files
  • welpwn —— designed to make pwnning an art, freeing you from dozens of meaningless jobs.
  • linux_server[64] —— IDA 7.0 debug server for linux
  • tmux —— a terminal multiplexer
  • ltrace —— trace library function call
  • strace —— trace system call

included glibc

Default compiled glibc path is /glibc.

  • 2.19 —— ubuntu 12.04 default libc version
  • 2.23 —— pwndocker default libc version
  • 2.24 —— introduce vtable check in file struct
  • 2.27 —— intruduce tcache in heap (since 2.26)
  • 2.28 —— latest libc version

How to run in custom libc version?

cp /glibc/2.27/64/lib/ld-2.27.so /tmp/ld-2.27.so
patchelf --set-interpreter /tmp/ld-2.27.so ./test
LD_PRELOAD=./libc.so.6 ./test