coding_challenge-30 --- PongPongPong (using JavaScript or Python)

Oh boy this is going to be another good one! In this month's coding challenge we are going to really push your boundaries when it comes to coding and logic...while making the original game: Pong! As programmers there are times where we think a problem is too difficult to solve and we want to give up. However, those moments are opportunities that can have a real positive impact on your ability to improve and develop strong skills. This coding challenge aims to do exactly that: Help you push through some hard boundaries so that by the end of it you feel like a better programmer (and you will be!). But also, you will get to build a fun game!

This is actually one of the projects we work on in the newly released JavaScript 20 Web Projects. You can work on a project individually or in a group and you can use the video below as a "guide" on how to solve this problem.

What we are building? PongPongPong! You can follow an online tutorial here or you can build it from scratch yourself -->

Please Use the #coding-challenge channel on Discord to discuss and share your work or if you would like to look for people to work with on a project. At the end of the challenge, I will compile everyone's submitted websites/projects/code on here to showcase what the ZTM community has built. You can find past coding challenge submission here

What Am I Building??

You will build the famous original game: Pong! You can use whatever programming language you want including Python or JavaScript. The problem is NOT as hard as you might think, but it will require you to really think about the program and design a working solution.

To get an idea of what you are building, watch this video:

Finally, make the game your own and customize it to your liking so we can showcase your creativity!


At the end of the challenge, we will post everyone's projects down below so you can see what others have done. In order to see your submission below, make sure you read the next section for the submission guidelines (In The Rules Are section)!

Github Repo

Github Repo

Github Repo

Sean Manley#6276
Github Repo

The Rules Are:

  1. You have until August 31st at 11:59pm EST to submit your project (using Github. If you don't know how to do that, check out the lecture in the Git + Github section of the course). You will have to submit the link to the #coding-challenge Discord group with the following message: -challenge URL LINK TO YOUR ENTRY" . The bot will listen for the command and will reply with "thanks for your submission" if it succeeded.

  2. Use whatever tools you have as developers (google, friends, Discord, programming buddy etc...) but I will not be offering any help with this challenge. Just like a developer, you must solve a problem and build something that will be challenging. Nobody will hold your hand during the job so we want to experience that by figuring it all out on your own with your team.

Looking for more challenges?

We highly recommend checking out the back catalogue of coding challenges. With varying levels of complexity there is something to test and push every skill level.

One Last Thing!

Please note: As with all my challenges there is zero benefit or monetary gain I receive from it. This is just my way of thanking my students and making sure that you are able to continue gaining valuable knowledge outside of just my videos. It would mean a lot to me if you are able to rate my course...5 star reviews make my day :)