
Mirror of https://gitlab.com/zero323/dlt

Primary LanguageRApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

dlt logo

dlt ‒ Delta Lake interface for SparkR



This package can be installed from the main git repository


or its GitHub mirror


and requires following R packages:

  • SparkR (>= 3.3.0)
  • magrittr

Additionally, you'll have to ensure that a compatible Delta Lake jar is available, for example by adding delta-core to spark.jars.packages:

spark.jars.packages 		io.delta:delta-core_2.12:2.1.0


This package provides:

  • Readers and writers for Delta format.
  • DeltaTable merge API.
  • Delta table builder API.

Batch reads and writes

dlt_read and dlt_write can be used to read and write data in Delta format.


target %>% 

# root
#  |-- id: integer (nullable = true)
#  |-- key: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- val: integer (nullable = true)
#  |-- ind: integer (nullable = true)
#  |-- category: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- lat: double (nullable = true)
#  |-- long: double (nullable = true)

target %>% 

dlt_read("/tmp/target") %>% 

# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# | id|key|val|ind|category|                lat|               long|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# |  1|  a|  4| -1|     KBQ| -56.28354165237397|-108.74080670066178|
# |  2|  a| 10|  1|     ROB| 50.546925463713706|-104.60825988091528|
# |  3|  a|  7| -1|     SLX|-13.985343240201473|-114.89280310459435|
# |  4|  a|  5|  1|     ACP| -47.15050248429179|-168.96175763569772|
# |  5|  b|  3| -1|     EEK|-49.020595396868885|-105.57821027934551|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# only showing top 5 rows

These also come with aliases following SparkR conventions - read.delta and write.delta.

source %>%

# root
#  |-- id: integer (nullable = true)
#  |-- key: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- val: integer (nullable = true)
#  |-- ind: integer (nullable = true)
#  |-- category: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- lat: double (nullable = true)
#  |-- long: double (nullable = true)

source %>%

read.delta("/tmp/source") %>% 

# +---+---+---+---+--------+------------------+-------------------+
# | id|key|val|ind|category|               lat|               long|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+------------------+-------------------+
# |  1|  a|  1|  1|     NTD| 72.72564971353859|  5.116242365911603|
# |  3|  b|  5|  1|     RSL|-65.03216980956495| -39.52675184234977|
# |  5|  b|  1| -1|     SYG| 88.00051120575517| 146.06572712771595|
# | 14|  c|  9| -1|     MYZ| 80.40028186049312|-19.090933883562684|
# | 16|  d| 10| -1|     DMO|-75.16123954206705| 120.96153359860182|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+------------------+-------------------+

Loading DeltaTable objects

DataTable objects can be created for file system path:

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target/") %>%

# SparkDataFrame[id:int, key:string, val:int, ind:int, category:string, lat:double, long:double]

or for the table name:

source %>% 
  saveAsTable("source", source="delta")

dlt_for_name("source")  %>%

# SparkDataFrame[id:int, key:string, val:int, ind:int, category:string, lat:double, long:double]

Streaming reads and writes

dlt_read_stream and dlt_read_stream can be used for streaming reads and writes respectively.

query <- dlt_read_stream("/tmp/target") %>%
    path = "/tmp/target-stream", queryName = "test", trigger.once = TRUE,
    checkpointLocation = "/tmp/target-stream/_checkpoints/test"

awaitTermination(query, 10000)
# [1] TRUE

Getting table details

dlt_detail can be used to retrieve detailed information about the format, location and other important properties of the table.

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target/") %>%
  dlt_detail() %>%
  drop(c("id", "location", "createdAt", "lastModified")) %>%

# +------+----+-----------+----------------+--------+-----------+----------+----------------+----------------+
# |format|name|description|partitionColumns|numFiles|sizeInBytes|properties|minReaderVersion|minWriterVersion|
# +------+----+-----------+----------------+--------+-----------+----------+----------------+----------------+
# | delta|null|       null|              []|       1|       2290|        {}|               1|               2|
# +------+----+-----------+----------------+--------+-----------+----------+----------------+----------------+


Updates without

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target") %>%
  dlt_update(list(ind = "-ind")) %>%

# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# | id|key|val|ind|category|                lat|               long|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# |  1|  a|  4|  1|     KBQ| -56.28354165237397|-108.74080670066178|
# |  2|  a| 10| -1|     ROB| 50.546925463713706|-104.60825988091528|
# |  3|  a|  7|  1|     SLX|-13.985343240201473|-114.89280310459435|
# |  4|  a|  5| -1|     ACP| -47.15050248429179|-168.96175763569772|
# |  5|  b|  3|  1|     EEK|-49.020595396868885|-105.57821027934551|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# only showing top 5 rows

and with

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target") %>%
    lat = lit(39.08067389467202),
    long = lit(-89.73335678516888)
  ), column("id") %in% c(2, 4)) %>%

# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# | id|key|val|ind|category|                lat|               long|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# |  1|  a|  4|  1|     KBQ| -56.28354165237397|-108.74080670066178|
# |  2|  a| 10| -1|     ROB|  39.08067389467202| -89.73335678516888|
# |  3|  a|  7|  1|     SLX|-13.985343240201473|-114.89280310459435|
# |  4|  a|  5| -1|     ACP|  39.08067389467202| -89.73335678516888|
# |  5|  b|  3|  1|     EEK|-49.020595396868885|-105.57821027934551|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# only showing top 5 rows

condition are supported.


Deletes with

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target") %>%
  dlt_delete(column("category") %in% c("ROB", "ACP")) %>%

# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# | id|key|val|ind|category|                lat|               long|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# |  1|  a|  4|  1|     KBQ| -56.28354165237397|-108.74080670066178|
# |  3|  a|  7|  1|     SLX|-13.985343240201473|-114.89280310459435|
# |  5|  b|  3|  1|     EEK|-49.020595396868885|-105.57821027934551|
# |  6|  b|  2| -1|     SMT|  80.79935231711715| -46.80488987825811|
# |  7|  b|  9|  1|     LBC|  51.65884342510253|  97.16074059717357|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# only showing top 5 rows

and without

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target") %>%
  dlt_delete() %>%
  dlt_to_df() %>%

# [1] 0

condition are supported.

Merging SparkDataFrame with DeltaTable

dlt supports a complete set of DeltaMergeBuilder methods (dlt_when_matched_delete, dlt_when_matched_update, dlt_when_matched_update_all, dlt_when_not_matched_insert, dlt_when_not_matched_insert_all).

target %>%
  dlt_write("/tmp/target", mode="overwrite")

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target") %>%
  dlt_alias("target") %>%
  dlt_merge(alias(source, "source"), expr("source.id = target.id")) %>%
  dlt_when_matched_update_all() %>%
  dlt_when_not_matched_insert_all() %>%
  dlt_execute() %>%
  dlt_to_df() %>%
  arrange(desc(column("id"))) %>%

# +---+---+---+---+--------+------------------+-------------------+
# | id|key|val|ind|category|               lat|               long|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+------------------+-------------------+
# | 16|  d| 10| -1|     DMO|-75.16123954206705| 120.96153359860182|
# | 14|  c|  9| -1|     MYZ| 80.40028186049312|-19.090933883562684|
# | 12|  c| 10|  1|     TBL| 6.229456798173487|  55.28501939959824|
# | 11|  c|  5| -1|     ZSH| 89.73377700895071|  61.67111137881875|
# | 10|  c|  1|  1|     GKP| 58.43853528611362| 100.64806896261871|
# |  9|  c| 10| -1|     LCN| 76.90145746339113| -138.4841349441558|
# |  8|  b|  8|  1|     BOB| 47.12074530310929| -91.43876885063946|
# |  7|  b|  9| -1|     LBC| 51.65884342510253|  97.16074059717357|
# |  6|  b|  2|  1|     SMT| 80.79935231711715| -46.80488987825811|
# |  5|  b|  1| -1|     SYG| 88.00051120575517| 146.06572712771595|
# only showing top 10 rows

Querying Delta log

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target-stream/") %>%
  dlt_history() %>%

# root
#  |-- version: long (nullable = true)
#  |-- timestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
#  |-- userId: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- userName: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- operation: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- operationParameters: map (nullable = true)
#  |    |-- key: string
#  |    |-- value: string (valueContainsNull = true)
#  |-- job: struct (nullable = true)
#  |    |-- jobId: string (nullable = true)
#  |    |-- jobName: string (nullable = true)
#  |    |-- runId: string (nullable = true)
#  |    |-- jobOwnerId: string (nullable = true)
#  |    |-- triggerType: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- notebook: struct (nullable = true)
#  |    |-- notebookId: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- clusterId: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- readVersion: long (nullable = true)
#  |-- isolationLevel: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- isBlindAppend: boolean (nullable = true)
#  |-- operationMetrics: map (nullable = true)
#  |    |-- key: string
#  |    |-- value: string (valueContainsNull = true)
#  |-- userMetadata: string (nullable = true)

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target-stream/") %>%
  dlt_history() %>%
  select("version", "operation", "operationParameters") %>%
  showDF(truncate = FALSE)
# +-------+----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |version|operation       |operationParameters                                                                  |
# +-------+----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |0      |STREAMING UPDATE|{outputMode -> Append, queryId -> bb30dba2-3327-44f1-b6b3-b4bb99fdf57b, epochId -> 0}|
# +-------+----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target-stream/") %>%
  dlt_delete("id IN (1, 3, 5)")

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target-stream/") %>%
  dlt_history() %>%
  select("version", "operation", "operationParameters") %>%
  showDF(truncate = FALSE)

# +-------+----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |version|operation       |operationParameters                                                                  |
# +-------+----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |1      |DELETE          |{predicate -> ["(id IN (1, 3, 5))"]}                                                 |
# |0      |STREAMING UPDATE|{outputMode -> Append, queryId -> bb30dba2-3327-44f1-b6b3-b4bb99fdf57b, epochId -> 0}|
# +-------+----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Time travel

Time travel is possible by setting versionAsOf

dlt_read("/tmp/target-stream/") %>%

# [1] 9

dlt_read("/tmp/target-stream/", versionAsOf=0) %>%

# [1] 12

or timestampAsOf options.

timestamps <- dlt_for_path("/tmp/target-stream/") %>%
  dlt_history() %>%
  where(column("version") %in% c(0, 1)) %>%
  arrange("version") %>%
  select(alias(date_format(column("timestamp") + expr("INTERVAL 1 second"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "timestamp")) %>%
dlt_read("/tmp/target-stream/", timestampAsOf = timestamps$timestamp[1]) %>%

# [1] 12

It is also possible to restore data to a specific version

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target-stream/") %>%
  dlt_restore_to_version(0) %>%
# +------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------+-------------------+
# |table_size_after_restore|num_of_files_after_restore|num_removed_files|num_restored_files|removed_files_size|restored_files_size|
# +------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------+-------------------+
# |                    2295|                         1|                1|                 1|              2175|               2295|
# + ------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------+-------------------+

dlt_read("/tmp/target-stream/") %>%
# [1] 12

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target-stream/") %>%
  dlt_restore_to_version(1) %>%
# +------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------+-------------------+
# |table_size_after_restore|num_of_files_after_restore|num_removed_files|num_restored_files|removed_files_size|restored_files_size|
# +------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------+-------------------+
# |                    2175|                         1|                1|                 1|              2295|               2175|
# + ------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------+-------------------+  
dlt_read("/tmp/target-stream/") %>%
# [1] 9

or timestamp

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target-stream/") %>%
  dlt_restore_to_timestamp(timestamp = timestamps$timestamp[1]) %>%

# +------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------+-------------------+
# |table_size_after_restore|num_of_files_after_restore|num_removed_files|num_restored_files|removed_files_size|restored_files_size|
# +------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------+-------------------+
# |                    2295|                         1|                1|                 1|              2175|               2295|
# + ------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+------------------+------------------+-------------------+  
dlt_read("/tmp/target-stream/") %>%
# [1] 12  

Building DeltaTables

New tables can be created (dlt_create), created if not exists (dlt_create_if_not_exists), replaced (dlt_replace) and created or replaced (dlt_create_or_replace). All DeltaTableBuilder methods are supported.

dlt_create() %>%
  dlt_location("/tmp/key-val") %>%
  dlt_add_column("id", "integer", nullable = FALSE) %>%
  dlt_add_columns(structType("key string, value double")) %>%
  dlt_partitioned_by("key") %>%
  dlt_comment("Key-value table") %>%
  dlt_property("creation-time", as.character(Sys.time())) %>%
  dlt_execute() %>%
  dlt_to_df() %>%

# root
#  |-- id: integer (nullable = false)
#  |-- key: string (nullable = true)
#  |-- value: double (nullable = true)

Maintenance and conversions

You can use dlt to convert Parquet directories to DeltaTable

target %>%

# [1] FALSE

tbl <- dlt_convert_to_delta("parquet.`/tmp/target-parquet/`")

# [1] TRUE

tbl %>%

# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# | id|key|val|ind|category|                lat|               long|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# |  1|  a|  4| -1|     KBQ| -56.28354165237397|-108.74080670066178|
# |  2|  a| 10|  1|     ROB| 50.546925463713706|-104.60825988091528|
# |  3|  a|  7| -1|     SLX|-13.985343240201473|-114.89280310459435|
# |  4|  a|  5|  1|     ACP| -47.15050248429179|-168.96175763569772|
# |  5|  b|  3| -1|     EEK|-49.020595396868885|-105.57821027934551|
# +---+---+---+---+--------+-------------------+-------------------+
# only showing top 5 rows

vacuum DeltaTables:

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target") %>%

# Deleted 0 files and directories in a total of 1 directories.

generate manifests:

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target") %>%

and upgrade Delta protocols

key_val_log_path <- "/tmp/key-val/_delta_log/*json"

read.json(key_val_log_path) %>%
  select("metaData.id", "commitInfo.operation", "protocol") %>%

# +--------------------+------------+--------+
# |                  id|   operation|protocol|
# +--------------------+------------+--------+
# |                null|CREATE TABLE|    null|
# |                null|        null|  {1, 2}|
# |72d4784b-e656-44a...|        null|    null|
# +--------------------+------------+--------+

dlt_for_path("/tmp/key-val") %>% 
  dlt_upgrade_table_protocol(1, 3)

read.json(key_val_log_path) %>%
  select("metaData.id", "commitInfo.operation", "protocol") %>%

# +--------------------+----------------+--------+
# |                  id|       operation|protocol|
# +--------------------+----------------+--------+
# |                null|    CREATE TABLE|    null|
# |                null|            null|  {1, 2}|
# |72d4784b-e656-44a...|            null|    null|
# |                null|UPGRADE PROTOCOL|    null|
# |                null|            null|  {1, 3}|
# +--------------------+----------------+--------+

This package also provides an interface for layout optimizations. One can compact with

target %>%
  repartition(10) %>%
  dlt_write("/tmp/target-optimize-compact", mode = "overwrite", partitionBy = "key")

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target-optimize-compact") %>%
  dlt_optimize() %>% 
  dlt_where("key = 'a'") %>%
  dlt_execute_compaction() %>%
  select("metrics") %>%
  showDF(truncate = FALSE)

# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |metrics                                                                                                              |
# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |{1, 4, {1750, 1750, 1750.0, 1, 1750}, {1633, 1633, 1633.0, 4, 6532}, 1, null, 1, 4, 0, false, 0, 0, 1669291200256, 0}|
# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

or without partition filter.

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target-optimize-compact") %>%
  dlt_optimize() %>%
  dlt_execute_compaction() %>%
  select("metrics") %>%
  showDF(truncate = FALSE)

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |metrics                                                                                                                |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |{2, 8, {1753, 1780, 1766.5, 2, 3533}, {1632, 1633, 1632.75, 8, 13062}, 2, null, 2, 9, 1, false, 0, 0, 1669291227707, 0}|
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Similarly, one can Z-Order the files with

target %>%
  repartition(10) %>%        
  dlt_write("/tmp/target-optimize-zorderby", mode="overwrite", partitionBy="key")

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target-optimize-compact") %>%
  dlt_optimize() %>% 
  dlt_where("key = 'a'") %>%
  dlt_execute_z_order_by("lat", "long") %>%
  select("metrics") %>%
  showDF(truncate = FALSE)

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |metrics                                                                                                                                                         |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |{1, 1, {1750, 1750, 1750.0, 1, 1750}, {1750, 1750, 1750.0, 1, 1750}, 1, {all, {0, 0}, {1, 1750}, 0, {1, 1750}, 1, null}, 1, 1, 0, false, 0, 0, 1669291309308, 0}|
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

or without partition filter

dlt_for_path("/tmp/target-optimize-compact") %>%
  dlt_optimize() %>%
  dlt_execute_z_order_by("lat", "long") %>%
  select("metrics") %>%
  showDF(truncate = FALSE)

# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |metrics                                                                                                                                                         |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |{3, 3, {1750, 1780, 1761.0, 3, 5283}, {1750, 1780, 1761.0, 3, 5283}, 3, {all, {0, 0}, {3, 5283}, 0, {3, 5283}, 3, null}, 3, 3, 0, false, 0, 0, 1669291365663, 0}|
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+


Examples use source and target datasets as described in tests/testthat/data/README.md.


Logo based on Yellow wasp, m, left, Kruger National Park, South Africa by USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab.


Delta is a trademark of the LF Projects LLC. This project is not owned, endorsed or sponsored by the LF Projects LLC.