
A scheduler based on plain Vertx promise/future/periodic/timer

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Vertx Scheduler

build GitHub release (latest SemVer) Sonatype Nexus (Releases) Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots)

Maintainability Rating Reliability Rating Security Rating Duplicated Lines (%) Coverage

A lightweight plugable scheduler based on plain Vert.x core without any external libs for scheduling with cron-style and interval timers with a detail monitor on both sync and async task.

  • Scheduling with:
    • cron-style based on Quartz - Unix cron expression and timezone available on JVM
    • interval with given time interval, given initial delay time and repeating a given number of times or repeating infinitely
    • able to cancel schedule event
  • Support synchronize task and async task
  • Run on vertx-worker-thread or dedicated vertx thread-pool
  • Monitor executor event includes fire counting, fired round, event time, task result data, task error on your need such as on schedule, on misfire, on each round, on completed, etc...
  • Easy customize your task such as HTTP client job, EventBus job, MQTT client job, database job, etc...


Maven Dependency


Gradle Dependency


How To

Creating an executor

    .task((jobData, ctx) -> {
        if(ctx.round()==5) {
    .trigger(CronTrigger.builder().expression("0/5 * * ? * * *").build())
    .task((jobData, ctx) -> {})


Please check TaskExecutorMonitor . Example:

public interface TaskExecutorLogMonitor extends TaskExecutorMonitor {

    Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TaskExecutorLogMonitor.class);
    TaskExecutorMonitor LOG_MONITOR = new TaskExecutorLogMonitor() {};

    default void onUnableSchedule(@NonNull TaskResult result) {
        LOGGER.error("Unable schedule task at [{}] due to error", result.unscheduledAt(), result.error());

    default void onSchedule(@NonNull TaskResult result) {
        if (result.isReschedule()) {
            LOGGER.debug("TaskExecutor is rescheduled at [{}] round [{}]", result.rescheduledAt(), result.round());
        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("TaskExecutor is available at [{}]", result.availableAt());

    default void onMisfire(@NonNull TaskResult result) {
        LOGGER.debug("Misfire tick [{}] at [{}]", result.tick(), result.triggeredAt());

    default void onEach(@NonNull TaskResult result) {
        LOGGER.debug("Finish round [{}] - Is Error [{}] | Executed at [{}] - Finished at [{}]", result.round(),
                     result.isError(), result.executedAt(), result.finishedAt());

    default void onCompleted(@NonNull TaskResult result) {
        LOGGER.debug("Completed task in round [{}] at [{}]", result.round(), result.completedAt());


Custom task

Please check HttpClientTask and its test for async task

public class HttpClientTask implements Task {

    public boolean isAsync() {
        return true;

    public void execute(@NonNull JobData jobData, @NonNull TaskExecutionContext executionContext) {
        final Vertx vertx = executionContext.vertx();
        JsonObject url = (JsonObject) jobData.get();
        vertx.createHttpClient().request(HttpMethod.GET, url.getString("host"), url.getString("path"), ar1 -> {
            if (ar1.succeeded()) {
                HttpClientRequest request = ar1.result();
                request.send(ar2 -> {
                    if (ar2.succeeded()) {
                        HttpClientResponse response = ar2.result();
                        response.body(ar3 -> {
                            if (ar3.succeeded()) {
                                executionContext.complete(new JsonObject().put("status", response.statusCode())
                                                                          .put("response", ar3.result().toJson()));
                            } else {
                    } else {
            } else {



  • Cron task with repeating until a given time / date
  • Async query job data in execution
  • Optimize CronExpression

Disclaim and Disclosure

This is lightweight module then I will not support for adding any rich function like manage group of task/trigger , publish monitor event by integrate with a fantastic client such as Vertx EventBus, etc...

I'm planning to do it in vertx-planner project later. Stay a tune!!!