Fully configurable PT + JD based NC plugin for 1.19+

Primary LanguageJava


Fully configurable playtime + joindate based namecolor plugin for 1.19

In order to get access to any given name color, both the joindate requirement (JD min.) as well as the playtime requirement (PT min.) have to be fulfilled. The playtime numbers here are measured in hours, whereas the joindate is either measured in days, or a certain date, where the player must have joined before it.

Example Configuration on 0b0t.org

Obtainable Namecolors for everyone

color PT min. JD min. example hex code
gray none none #AAAAAA
white 3 3 #FFFFFF
green 6 6 #55FF55
blue 12 11 #5555FF
dark_purple 24 23 #AA00AA
gold 48 46 #FFAA00
red 96 91 #FF5555
yellow 192 183 #FFFF55
aqua 384 365 #55FFFF
dark_red 768 730 #AA0000
dark_gray 1536 1460 #555555
modifier PT min. JD min. example
bold 384 365
italic 1536 1460

Donator Namecolors

Donators of 0b0t.org may get special perks for namecolor selection, such as additional namecolors not every other player can have, or an instant access to colors that would require some PT or JD.

color example hex code
dark_aqua #00AAAA
dark_blue #0000AA
dark_green #00AA00
light_purple #FF55FF

Currently unobtainale Namecolors

On 0b0t.org, these namecolors are not available to anyone except admins as of currently, but this may change in the future.

color example hex code
black #000000
modifier example sample command
strikethrough /nc white strikethrough
alternating /nc alternating black white
obfuscated /nc white obfuscated
gradient /nc gradient dark_red dark_blue
flag /nc flag denim white dark_red