Battle Field Play 4 Free Blaze Backend by Warranty Voider

Primary LanguageC#

Battle Field Play 4 Free Blaze Backend and Tools by Warranty Voider

with these tool you can research the blaze side of the game and the server, aswell as the gamefiles

-zlib dll is a proxy dll to bypass ssl cert checks and enable blaze logs, theres a version for 2010 and for 2015 client, both work with 2010 server

-Launcher contains backend, magma server and a minimal webserver thats lets the game and server start with editable parameters

-BlazeShark can be used with the backend to examine blaze packet content, can be choosen at start of launcher

-BlazeLibWV is a library for reading and creating blaze packets, also for creating log dumps

-UDP Monitor WV - Tool for examining the highspeed bitstream of the game traffic over udp

-BFP4F Explorer WV - Tool for editing game content and export

-"Other" contain the minimal frontend files that need to be hosted via xampp or internal webbrowser, and other files

more information in the wiki


for more research chat: https://discordapp.com/invite/Wr2faSS

DEMO (v1)

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DEMO (v4)

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First Joining

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DEMO (v5)

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BFP4F Explorer WV

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BFP4F Explorer WV - Level Explorer Demo

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