
Happy Wars Deobfuscator by Warranty Voider

Primary LanguagePython

Happy Wars deobfuscator by Warranty Voider

this tool helps to revert the obfuscation applied to functions in the game Happy Wars

about the obfuscation:

  • asm blocks are split up and inbetween single jmps are inserted
  • asm blocks are scattered randomly throughout binary
  • ends of asm blocks have their control flow obfuscated
  • maybe more

this tool does (in this order, depending on config.json):

  • find process ID by name
  • gets handle to it
  • starts scanning asm blocks at start address
  • reconstructs the control flow graph
  • cleans it, replaces obfuscations
  • rebuilds asm blocks to one binary blob
  • injects it to new memory in process
  • replaces original function with jmp to new function

after this, you can dump it from memory, insert in IDA Pro or Ghidra and let it decompile

NOTICE: this script was only a first attempt, its far from done!!! its just a codebase for other projects like this :)