
Mass Effect Andromeda Explorer by Warranty Voider

Primary LanguageC#

a tool for modding the game "Mass Effect Andromeda"

this toolset is no longer maintained

AnselSDK64: add these dlls to main game folder to enable modding/signature bypassing

FBXWrapper: wrapper dll for fbx sdk

MEAExplorerWV: main tool

PluginSystem: interface dll for creating plugins

PluginTalktableWV: plugin to edit talktables

PluginTexturesWV: plugin to browse, export and import textures

PluginMeshesWV: plugin to browse and export meshes

PluginEbxWV: plugin to browse, edit, export and import ebx (binary xml)

TestPlugin: demo plugin showing how to search all content

TestPlugin2: demo plugin to find and replace data by sha1, also make mod jobs

TestPlugin3: demo plugin to scan for EBX GUIDs

support and progress here https://zenhax.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3971

and here https://www.reddit.com/r/meamodding/

wiki and help: http://meamodding.wikia.com/wiki/Mass_Effect_Andromeda_modding_tools_Wiki