a remote debugger for the Xbox 360 debug monitor
requirements: xbdm and jrpc2 installed, xbox 360 neighborhood working
General Infos: Name, IP Address, CPU Key, Kernel Version, Current Executable
File Browser: preview/save files, run xex executable
Modules: show base address in dump, show entry point in dump or cpu, explore sections
Memory Regions: browse all allocated memory sections, see which module sections are inside
Memory Dump: dump memory or write back to it with hex editor, load/save from/to file, hex pattern search
CPU: play, pause, step(if breakpoint was reached, not yet working for branching!), disassembly of ppc, current threads, current thread's registers, find end of a subfunction and export to XEXDecompiler 3 (integrated now)
Trace: Load/save/clear and see register changes
Overall Options: break on Module Load, break on Thread Create, record breakpoints to trace